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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. Komorebi

    Here's mine. It's over 450 CDs and I have some Jpop stuff as well (Ayumi Hamasaki and Do As Infinity/Tomiko Van) It was over 500 but I sold most of my L'Arc/Vamps/Hyde stuff and some Acid Black Cherry regular edition singles. I need space 😫😫😫
  2. Komorebi

    Well, time to actually sit down and listen to these guys.
  3. Komorebi

    This isn't so bad in theory but it drags on for so long it becomes forgettable.
  4. Komorebi

    At this point they have enough singles to fill up an album with nothing but them, so I lowkey hope they don't include any or just release a best-of instead idk.
  5. Komorebi

    I actually asked a girl who is REALLY into Kizu's music what she thought about the mixing and she completely ignored my question and went on to talk about other things. I am 99% sure if I ask the other Kizu fan in my country he'll say he didn't notice. In fact, everytime I bring out production or mixing up outside of this forum I'm ignored and most people outside of this community seem to rely a lot on low quality rips or youtube/Spotify for they daily music experience and many cannot tell the difference between a 128 and a 320 rip. They probably just want to enjoy the song and don't care much about the whole listening experience or are just ignorant/have lousy equipment and don't even know know what they are missing out.
  6. Komorebi

    I'm speaking out of my ass XD But my comparison to western pop idols was not really about the music, more about the similar "experience"" they are selling. For us in the west it is about music, but for fans in Japan it becomes about the "experience" and music is just an aspect of it, I've read people say "yeah, this dude is a lousy singer but I like his stage presence and his energy during lives so I stan". Kizu did tap into that angst from the beginning and I am sure that is the reason they became so big so fast in Japan. I meant the opposite about the lyrics lol since they are teens, they seek lyrics they can actually relate to so the songwriting (and production and mixing) becomes secondary. As an example, I heard recently that Yuuki from Initial'L had to "dumb down" his lyrics in latest releases because he got lots of complaints from fans about them, allegedly.
  7. Komorebi

    I wouldn't say "despicable"... Considering VK is marketed in Japan, the type of audience, the importance seemingly irrelevant stuff like Furitsuke plays in VK culture, the whole hierarchy systems implemented among fans, it doesn't surprise me much. VK bands are marketed as somewhat exotic boy-bands and aimed towards teen girls (remember Kizu's first teaser messages). When was the last time you saw teen girls in the west go into deep analysis over Justin Bieber, One Direction or whatever boy-band's musical prowess? Nah, they care about the lyrics being relatable and the music "dance-able". It is us foreigners who care deeply about the music. And I am sure plenty of Japanese fans too, but probably they won't discuss it where it won't really matter, since social media seems to focus on more shallow discussions. I can't say these are facts, my experience in Japan is limited and I do not live there, though I know many people who do and I've heard from many that most gyas don't care about the music. I've even encountered foreign gya who didn't seem to care about the music either so it wouldn't be exclusive to Japanese fans.
  8. Komorebi

    I keep hearing from foreign gya in Japan that most VK fans in Japan don't give a shit about the music and sometimes don't even listen to their bands outside the livehouse. So it doesn't surprise me they wouldn't give a shit about the mixing at all, many will probably grab copies for instores, give it a few listens to practise furi and go back to whatever they actually do listen. That is, if what I've heard about the average gya is correct.
  9. Komorebi

    Well, this is not too bad. A pity it's so limited.
  10. Komorebi

    Highkey feel it. I can't wait to hear what these two sound live.
  11. Komorebi

    I know this will grow on me and tbh the mixing on Yume isn't as bad as in the other songs.
  12. Komorebi

    The guitar in Stalker is all over the place... but composition wise it's a pretty great song.
  13. Komorebi

    I just posted it go check it out.
  14. Komorebi

    I'm thinking the same. Sound quality aside, I like the song but it hasn't blown me away.
  15. Komorebi

    It's 2019 and women have careers, u know?
  16. Komorebi

    THIS Plus, when they do fanservice I feel even less guilty about it. It's less cringey than shipping yourself with them tbh.
  17. Shadows of the World, Doll House something... I think Mahoutokoro, Elemental and Secret Hollow Hill were on forums before jumping on to social media, where I joined them... I move around the Spanish RP comminuty, never found RPers in English able to write something serious. Last offer I got was some chick who apparently wanted me to RP an artist to pretend to be her boyfriend/OC's boyfriend (same thing IMO) and... nope. I keep my Japanese FC in the current community I'm in, never used a Korean FC. I'm mainly doing Harry Potter universe based RP and High Fantasy AU with my current character. I keep telling myself I'm old enough to quit already but I never do lol
  18. Komorebi

    Well, can't wait to see how this turns out.
  19. Komorebi

    Welcome back, I'm sure you'll find plenty of interesting new stuff to listen to. And rediscover some old ones too.
  20. I never understood how people managed to RP on tumblr (I never actually understood tumblr). I was more of a forum kinda RPer and I moved on to FB and VK when forums died out. I still RP, it's kinda sad LOL I do mostly AU and interact with lots of Korean RPers, they are nicer.
  21. Komorebi

    I'm curious about the "cover" part.
  22. Komorebi

    I've ran into really attractive bandmen on the street. And really ugly ones too.
  23. Komorebi

    I honestly can't tell either.
  24. Komorebi

    Do VK bands even offer student discounts?
  25. Komorebi

    Sorry for keeping Dir En Grey and BlackPink on the same playlist XD But this project is terrible. Awful. Uninspired and bland. I don't know what they are attempting to make but Dua Lipa does it better. I don't even know why I still check them out from time to time. Is the video a new song or just a PV for an already released track? I could swear I've heard this before.
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