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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. I got DEBATER (ENTP, -A/-T) 61% extraverted 58% intuitive 78% thinking 58% prospecting 51% turbulent On "debaters you may know": Tyrion Lannister and The Joker LOL I think mine is the extrovert version of the logician.
  2. Idk, to me every Dadaroma release has at least one interesting track and a completely forgettable one. I've never been super into them and I can't say their change of direction has been good or bad, they seem to be huge in Japan right now. I mean, huge for the VK scene.
  3. Well, some tracks sound interesting. I can't wait for it to come out.
  4. I'm not sure which J-Rock band I'm listening to, this sounds like a song by The Oral Cigarrettes or any band of that style... The song per se is not bad and I'll probably keep it around and listen to it every once in a while. But this definitely aint the DEZERT I fell in love with anymore. Good luck, guys.
  5. Komorebi

    I've always had the doubt, is it blackfacing or is it some sort of emulation of traditional demon mask or something? I've seen kabuki masks and some demon masks are black. Are VK artists painting their faces black pretending to be African or just youkai? As a Latin American in a country with pretty much no African Americans until the massive Haitian migrations 4 years ago, I agree with this. In certain countries there is absolutely no cultural conditioning to African descendent cultures. I didn't know saying "negro" (which is a pretty harmless adjective to me) was a bad word until I moved to the states when I was friggin' 15, my dad had to give my siblings and I a crash course on what we weren't allowed to say anymore in Spanish in case someone mistook it for an offensive word. Even if now with globalization you can educate yourself via internet, it's not something we grew up with so it's not deeply inserted in our culture nor our subconscious and therefore not shocking at all, just exotic. I'm giving those so called "blackface" outbursts in VK the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Komorebi

    While these guys are really fun live, I fail to enjoy their recorded music enough to even keep in my player. Does anybody else feel that way?
  7. Komorebi

    This song is nice but to me everything they release has blended into "generic Aiolin stuff", kinda like everything Hizaki writes.
  8. Komorebi

    The vocals, ugh... The rest is not bad, but the vocals are terrible.
  9. Komorebi

    I dig their aesthetics and their music isn't bad but I haven't been hooked yet. Their last mini didn't do much for me and was rather forgettable.
  10. This is gonna be some good shit.
  11. Do they even have enough followers for that?
  12. Komorebi

    Damn... I hope they find a replacement.
  13. Komorebi

    Everytime I go I see people there and they hold a lot of instores in that one, so hopefully it will stay afloat.
  14. I could have sworn the other guitarist left them in late January.
  15. Komorebi

    Wow, Setsuna is back?! The song's average-good, I hope the b-sides are interesting.
  16. Wait... isn't he the third one already?
  17. Komorebi

    Yikes, that really sucks :S
  18. I don't know what to think of this. it's nice but at the same time it isn't.
  19. Komorebi

    LOL for real?
  20. Komorebi

    After their Liquid Vain they became a bit bland for me and I wasn't very much into their releases, though they were very enjoyable. Undo definitely caught back my attention. It's a really solid single.
  21. Komorebi

    Yeah, I see it coming too.
  22. Komorebi

    The new look is pretty nice.
  23. Komorebi

    While they are not necessary my favorite noodles, Tsunehito and Reita are definitely among the best, they are super skilled. Now, favorites regardless of complexity and techniques and whatnot... Akinori and Boogie. Nao from Kagrra, and Hati from 9GBO are on my list too.
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