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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. Lime has already stated he won't write an album.
  2. I feel you. The first two tracks are really good. The second two... meh.
  3. it does sound different, but not bad at all.
  4. Komorebi

    Disjointed and all I'm digging their songs. Vocals are what draw me in at first and this guy has a pleasant voice. Looking forward to that mini.
  5. I really dig the first two tracks, the third song I'll need to listen to the full version. But I'm loving it, as usual ❤️
  6. Komorebi

    The new songs sound promising, can't wait for this release to drop.
  7. Komorebi

    AK from lynch. used to have a lip piercing forever ago and you can still see the scar. I think Aoi's can be seen too, but I haven't paid attention. Zyean from JLK had more piercing too and you can tell on untouched photos. I mean, if it's a piercing or two it isn't very noticeable unless you are paying attention, but if half your face was covered by them then idk. Maybe it depends on how long you had the piercing for, since some take a long-ish time to fully heal.
  8. Komorebi

    While the previews for the album feel like more of the same, Venom sounds really good.
  9. Komorebi

    I usually dress very goth/VK when I travel to Japan, but I have no tattoos, so other than getting weird looks I haven't been bothered about it. The single incident that comes to mind was when a friend and I were waiting around for a band in Kabukichou and since we were just standing around a corner for a while a man that seemed like the average salariman approached me to ask if we were "night workers" and then requested my work visa. I said we were tourists and pulled out my passport and he went "oh, ok, sorry" and left us be. Since he asked for the visa and all I though he was an undercover cop fishing for illegal prostitutes (or a very concerned customer). Tbh the whole situation was really funny, it's what I get for wearing fishnets and corsets there.
  10. Komorebi

    I'm a translator, so weird contracts with no pension are the norm for my field of work lol I hate teaching, but I want to move to Japan to become fluent and attain the required level to actually work as a translator later. I did the equivalent to eikawa in Chile for four years while I was in college and survived, I guess I can do it again for the sake of a better goal. I'm still thinking I should have majored in IT lol
  11. Komorebi

    That works well for engineering or IT, not for every career I'm applying for Eikawa simply because it's practically the only thing that will sponsor me a visa being from a non-native country with 0 options to attain the required level of Japanese to apply for something else without being already in Japan.
  12. Komorebi

    That sucks 😕
  13. Komorebi

    Welcome to MH! I see you like some of my faves too ❤️
  14. I'd go get my nails done with Sena and talk about skincare. God knows I despertely need his tips.
  15. I hope they don't. I hate music streaming and I love the concept of buying physical releases, with all the bonuses included, and attending instores. I don't want to have to pay three or four times what I'm paying for my cellphone plan just because listening to music now is sucking up my data too. Besides all that was mentioned, recording and studio time expensive and I guess smaller bands can afford more easily to start off with singles and EPs and grow from there. Newbie bands like Nazare can afford to release full albums because they record them in their drummer's bedroom.
  16. Komorebi

    I thought the same lol
  17. Komorebi

    Agreed, Toxic is really good. I enjoyed it every song on it and I don't know if I can say the same for all their albums.
  18. Komorebi

    Most people in Chile have known me as Tsuki for ages, and a few others as Zakuro. I go by Komorebi over here and I use Kagura on some social media since it's closer in meaning to my real name. If I played in a band I'd probably use either Kagura or Zakuro
  19. Komorebi

    This sounds really good.
  20. Komorebi

    He was tweetcasting, a baby crying could be clearly heard and as soon as he realized that he cut the streaming off. He apparently denied everything, refused to answer any question on the topic and finally chose to close twitter. He's the most popular member by far, so draw your own conclusions on what's gonna happen. In my personal opinion, I would have just partially lied and say it's a nephew or something.
  21. Komorebi

    Yep. Major drama.
  22. Komorebi

    I was told this by a few "friends" when I came out as asexual and it pretty much destroyed my already low ability to interact with people outside of the internet. I am quick to push potential friends away out of fear they'll push me away once they realize I won't have sex with them and the only lasting friendships I've been able to form lately have been strictly online/long distance. The prevalent prioritization of sex over love or any sort of connection even hurts those who choose not to (or are unable to). I felt really good reading @CAT5, made me feel a bit hopeful for the world again.
  23. Komorebi

    Well, if you go to lives to have fun and you are no longer having fun and have a miserable experience every time whats the point in spending time and money going? Especially if you are short on both. Idk, I wouldn't quit that easily, but I think we all have an understanding of both the importance of a sense of community for Japanese people and the effects bullying has there. I can't also affirm that is the reason ALL those girls quit, but a shitty attitude from fellow fans adds salt to any wound. As an example, I didn't quit on Acid Black Cherry's music, but I stopped going to the local ST's meeting and participating in any activity involving them due to some issues. Same with Diaura's. I enjoy both bands quietly and privately, but don't engage with the fandom at all and avoid them at all costs. Edit: even though I said I wouldn't quit, I'm lowkey scared of certain gyas and I'm partially thankful I live so far away I can't go that often, or I'd be putting up with really shitty attitudes too often.
  24. Komorebi

    LOL I know one like that in my fandom. Worst case of toxicity I've seen is people fighting over ticket numbers and actually causing fans to quit the band/preventing some new fans from wanting to attend more often to the point of having a shitty reputation as a whole, despite the band being really nice.
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