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Everything posted by Komorebi

  1. Komorebi

    As ChaoticEnding said, I wouldn't trade a special release for which I paid a lot of money for a $1 release from iTunes I could have bought in the first place if I cared that much.
  2. Komorebi

    There's already a shitload of elitism on this forum lol A trade ensures that person won't share it freely either. If I have a rarez I'm not posting because of reasons, I'd need some guarantee that whoever I'm sharing it with doesn't want to release it to the world either.
  3. Komorebi

    VK in a nutshell.
  4. Komorebi

    It depends on the band and event. In this case, the one I can make it to is only a 2shot with a random member (I can't choose whom) and I need to buy both versions. So it seems meh for 5500¥ (+ tax) Could have been a handshake or 5shots and see all the members.
  5. Komorebi

    Having to buy both versions is expected at this stage. I thought about going to the first instore but idk after reading the conditions.
  6. Komorebi

    That price. Yikes.
  7. Komorebi

    I actually like the idea. I agree the news section is a mess.
  8. Komorebi

    Nice! Did CDJapan include that bonus?
  9. Komorebi

    I've come to the depressing realization that I'm approaching my thirties and that's hindering further my ability to form close friendships, since everyone around me is more and more invested in their significant others/offspring and is making it really difficult to form close friendship bonds when their priorities clearly lie somewhere else. The whole inherently sexual dynamic around interactions makes it really difficult to form the kind of bonds I need, be it because I can't provide it or because people are getting it elsewhere and thus forming closer bonds elsewhere. I think I might have depression and it's embarrassing to even get to the point where, despite being and extremely independent person, loneliness has me sinking further and further (and thus further devoting time and resources to mild coping mechanisms such as VK). I'm pissed movies and books lied to me about close friendships and I feel I face deep suffering one way or another, either by depriving myself of the emotional connection I need, either suffering from "giving in" to someone else's needs in order to have said emotional connection. I don't think I can live my whole life like this.
  10. Not too bad... not outstanding either.
  11. I'm kinda pissed they moved the date to 2 days AFTER I leave Japan. Guess I'll just keep throwing money at my other main band if D doesn't want me lol
  12. Komorebi

    Kaya's last cover album.
  13. Komorebi

    That was better than I expected. They renewed my interest.
  14. Komorebi

    For the regular edition, yes. For the DVD content: worth it.
  15. Komorebi

    Do they? A friend told me last week she emailed them a few times and never got a response.
  16. Komorebi

    Thanks everyone. I deleted her on FB and said something about lousy friends on IG, apparently the shoe did fit because she was outraged that I was "treating her like shit". So, bye. Sucks that her sister who barely knows me did notice I was having an awful time and asked when I was free so we'd meet for coffee and chat.
  17. Happy birthday!! I hope you're having a great time today :)

    1. Duwang


      Thanks! Can't wait to see you when you're back in Tokyo.

    2. Komorebi


      Less than a month already!

  18. Komorebi

    I have this friend I consider close and we haven't really seen each other or communicated much in over a month. I'm kinda pissed because her IG stories show she's not really busy, just clinging to her boyfriend. Which would be ok if she hand't blown me off a few times recently and only after I almost threw a fit she kinda apologized for not realizing I was having a really terrible time and needed support. But then when I confirmed I was feeling like shit she just said "well, the only one with the power to help you is yourself' and stopped responding. Like a week later I told her I was sick of always having to beg for a text reply and then see her text her bf nonstop when we were together and how bad and hurt her careless attitude made me feel. She left it on seen, and now, a week later, I find out she's attending a party organized by the same guy I had a physical fight with at a club. I find that really disloyal and I told her so, but she just ignored me again. IDk if I should talk things with her or just tell her to fuck off and delete her from my social media. That feels very childish and immature but she's also showing to be very unreliable and overall a bad friend.
  19. Cashgrab targeted to each member's gya I guess.
  20. Komorebi

    I use proxy services.
  21. Komorebi

    I do :C
  22. Komorebi

    I dig the song... I'll wait to hear more, now I'm curious.
  23. Komorebi

    Imagine living overseas and thinking the scene is dead just because CD stores are closing in the digital era.
  24. Komorebi

    I actually checked your source and the file for that Miroku guy and JLK's Sena are two different pages lmao Thx Duwang, I didn't want to drop that info w/o your permission lol Edit: Sena also confirmed in a recent interview he started playing guitar right after finding out about VK, no more than 8 years ago. There's no way he was IN a VK band over 10 years ago.
  25. Komorebi

    So? Lots of people are born on the same dates.
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