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Status Updates posted by CCXXVIII

  1. I got a peta from Cazqui o(≧∇≦o)

    1. Tetora


      Cazqui the GAWD.

  2. reiya is killing me

  3. singaporeans where art thou

  4. Zin's single kono suki asdfghhakjl is kinda nice but the title :l

  5. Ame ni Korosareru and Risley Circus' PVs are gone :l

  6. can timely have their artists on itunes already..........

  7. is it actually okay to DM bandmen on twitter lol or would they get annoyed.......?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VkBrutaliaN


      and if they do understand english in case you don't speak japanese... 

      some time ago i wrote with a bandmen were i always wrote him in english and he always wrote me in japanese and we both just google translated everything and so on - but it worked XD

    3. itsukoii


      depends who it is, i dm the deviloof members with memes very often and they don't respond but w/e it's all in good fun (even tho they're probably annoyed)

  8. kimi no na wa wHY

  9. omg shoxx... i actually think their stuff are pretty cool with those poster magazines and bonuses and all man :( but i guess it's a blessing for my wallet lol

  10. the header.................................................

  11. the Raid.'s 7月27日 MV is SO adorable and touching... I think I might have cried a little LOL

  12. want the raid's kurobara rondo lyrics so much...... D:

  13. why is razor's dna so good hnNNG

  14. xaa-xaa's yomei is SO good i think i just might have to preorder it already

  15. zin sounds pretty good with luy so far :D

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