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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    That elimination was embarrassing. I understand her side. But you should have at least tried something! You don't lip sync? You coulda sang the damn song! It was so painful to watch and a shame too because I wanted to see more from her. Also I can't wait for Eureka to go. Done with this bitch who wants to be louder than everyone and can't keep her mouth shut for one second. Plus her wigs are always ugly af. She needs to be called out for wearing the same one every time. THOSE ANTENNA/POD WIGS ARE NOT FLATTERING!! bitch why do you wanna be bald everywhere except the very top of your head? Get out already. Did anyone else get hot from watching that Shea vs Sasha scene?lol
  2. platy

    Se eu tivesse uma lâmpada mágica traria o MSN de volta em troca de qualquer outro Messenger da vida (Skype, etc.)
  3. platy

    Let's get this thread alive. What did people think of dadaism #3? imo the only song worth listening to is 狼少年と毒林檎, it gives me strong zouka to karashnikov vibes for some reason... Also the weakest song is ロマンスグレー... really ddrm, I'm kind of disappointed.
  4. platy

    ''Metchi & Gretchen'' Essa apresentadora ta melhor que os outros dois
  5. platy

    loud people are the bane of my existence. I try not to be a grumpy person, but what can I do. I can't spend all of my time awake talking and laughing loudly. I loooove me some silence.
  6. platy

    Gazette, of course. Somehow I found taion on youtube and I thought it was just noise but I knew if I listened to it I'd come to like it. I was in love with the visuals of the video, so I kept replaying non-stop. I printed out quite a few pictures of Aoi and Reita and laminated them and had them around my bed I also printed some of Ruki in photographic paper in a really big size, do you know how expensive that shit is? I still find some of those when I'm tidying my stuff sometimes.
  7. platy

    Chika nooooo I always expected this to happen sooner than later, so can't say it's a shock :/
  8. platy

    I finally picked up something that isn't academic research! 'The Widow' - Imagine a thriller/mystery like 'Gone Girl' and 'The Girl on The Train'. After her husband's death, the widow can finally reveal the truth about their life. I can't stop reading, it just hits the fucked up little spot in my heart for murder mysteries.
  9. platy

    I'm very surprised Because at this point I just expected the old man in your avatar
  10. platy

    Most of my friendships (like 90%) revolve around me listening to someone talk for hours and me getting interrupted when I do try to get my word in. Or the person gets distracted by something trivial, forgetting I was talking and then we're back to talking about what they wanna go on about. I don't even know why these people are friends with me lol all I do is 'mm hm' and 'yeah'. (coz I don't feel like I should say anything else) I wish I could understand how these people work because my friends genuinely care for my company but at the same time I feel like there's no difference between me and wall with a tape recorder stuck to it that replays 'yeah' s at suitable intervals
  11. platy

    Pq que o video comeca alto com a voz do satanas? Puta susto.
  12. platy

    I doubt this will interest you but an anime just started airing about a kabuki connoisseur wanting to open a kabuki theatre club in school. I couldn't see the appeal in it because I don't understand anything about the subject, but if you like pretty boys you might be able to fangirl about it alongside the characters
  13. platy

    I would throw my soul at that! I was lucky enough to have a friend lend me his wii u so I could play bayo2. Such a solid sequel, but it's impossible that it will come to steam. I think my only chance of playing it again is buying a Nintendo switch in the future.
  14. platy

    Stay celibate, kids.
  15. platy

    If you morons are house mates or whatever.... Fucking talk it out face to face? Call each other? This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Plus the fact you have/had deviantart accounts already tells me what I should expect from you.... Let the foolishness resume.
  16. platy

    April's fool was last week
  17. platy

    How can a sweet pisces ruin someone's life? :, (
  18. platy

    I can fangirl with you about the music. It's a masterpiece. Like the previous Nier, the best parts were the story and the music. The multiple endings were super confusing, I got all of them except the one where you have to delete your save and start all over again It makes me really happy that a series that was super unknown has now gone mainstream, thank you Platinum Games I can't even begin to describe how amateur the combat was before they stepped in. I want to play drakengard so bad, I saw my friend playing it a few years ago... talk about badass female protagonists. I watched a 30 minute video summarising the lore of that world so far, needles to say, you could spend months trying to fully make sense of this stuff... Yokotaro, how does your brain work?
  19. platy

    Mail me your copy since you're finished with it :^) I like XIII, the first one not so much, but XIII-2 and Lightning Returns were proof that SE listened to fan feedback and tried to improve a much hated series (even if they were beating a dead horse, they were enjoyable games. LR is my in top 5 fun RPGs). Now with XV they listened to the fans too much and it ended up impacting the outcome of the game. So that's, like, 7 years of lessons learned for the studio. Like you I was thinking the series would stop selling if XV wasn't a 10/10, but my hopes were renewed too, because if anything it just shows that the potential is there.
  20. platy

    I finished FF XV. Mini rant/review with mild spoilers. Also just completed Inside, the developer once again succeeds in telling a chilling narrative without the use of any words whatsoever. Also props go to whoever worked on that creature at the end. Must've been hell. Currently playing Hotline Miami 2 (last time I played was in September 2016 and I forgot the story and don't understand anything that's happening :^) ) and Always Sometimes Monsters , now THIS is a good use of the RPG Maker engine. Surprisingly fun! Also started A King's Tale...so far it's repetitive as hell. The graphics are nice though. I'll probably only be able to pick up Nier in a month or two and I'm dodging spoilers like the bullet hell sections in the game...until I downloaded the OST it just spoils the end for me (pretty much). Still, I can't wait to see how it goes.
  21. I'm a pisces and I always identified 100% with being a dreamer, always spacing out, etc. But it wasn't until recently that i realised that I'm not a badass with no feelings, I'm actually such a emotional mess I find myself getting teary at cat videos. I think I went more emotional as I got older and I hate it.
  22. platy

    I have been waiting for them to come to Europe again since 2009. It's about time they come back. I'll try out VEDA
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