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Posts posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. 7 minutes ago, Delkmiroph said:

    E ja ouve boatos de que ele ja estar entre nos novamente.


    Porra, já? Nêgo não se cansa



    7 minutes ago, Delkmiroph said:

    E ja ouve boatos de que ele ja estar entre nos novamente. Usar outro Ip e nick é facil rs 


    Dar outro ban também :v

  2. Gente, só tô passando pra avisar que a minha situação tá muito difícil.


    Por causa do meu problema de auto-estima, tô indo muito mal na faculdade e sem motivação pra estudar.

    Além do mais, a situação financeira da minha família anda muito complicada ultimamente e deixamos de pagar a internet (sem previsão de retorno), que será cortada ainda esse mês. Por isso, vou aparecer menos por aqui.


    No mais, é só.

  3. Quote

    4 - Some Visual Kei Bands Are Also Prostitutes


    Hardcore fans of Visual Kei are known as "bangya," which is both a Japanese portmanteau of "band girl," and an accurate description of their hobbies. Sonya insists that a real bangya would never sleep with her honmei, even if they ejaculated free concert tickets. But there are still plenty of horny female fans out there who would, which is why some groups cash in by turning themselves into musical prostitution rings.

    "We call this 'mitsu,'" Sonya explains. "Every month you send your favorite band member an amount of money. If you go low-end, it could be anywhere from [$200-400] a month. In these kinds of relationships, you get to maybe talk with the guy on the phone. The more expensive ones can go as high as [$1,000] a month. What you usually get with these are dates and sex. He will meet you, take you to Disneyland, bring you home, fuck you, and whisper how he loves you.

    I once met a girl who pays [~$5,000] a month, and for that, she had a song written about her by her honmei ... I've never done mitsu, and it gives me the creeps."

    The whole practice is very hush-hush, but also widespread in the industry. That's why, according to Sonya, "A lot of bands are just in it for the pussy. Some literally don't even know how to play their instruments because they don't have to. When I ask my friends why they like this or that band, they talk about how cute the bassist is, etc."

    Georges Seguin/Wiki CommonsPlucking at guitar strings is optional, but tugging at heart strings is mandatory.

    To fans of actual music, like Sonya, it's a strange and foreign practice, like wanting to bang the Mona Lisa.



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