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Everything posted by Euthanasia

  1. Euthanasia

    Seems like Finland is a possibility. Will probably go and see them there.
  2. Euthanasia

  3. Euthanasia

    Cool! A bit surprised that they are still around, haha.
  4. Euthanasia

    The gigs I have been to outside of Jp you can buy the merch first, and then lock them in with your jacket/bag. But it depends on the venue I guess.
  5. Euthanasia

    I still can't accept the disbandment of 少年記. They were so good, and had so much potential. Their new band is good and all, but I miss Rei. DIV disbanding got me sad too, I've some memories with them since seeing them live so it's hard to accept that they aren't together anymore. However, since I preferred ZERO ONE over their releases after it I am kinda happy about Acme, even if it's weird without Chobi and Satoshi. It's strange that SCREW and BORN are gone too. And Girugamesh.
  6. Euthanasia

    ..... well that sucks.
  7. Euthanasia

    I am so sad about this.
  8. Euthanasia

  9. Euthanasia

    Rest in peace.
  10. I find it hard to believe. LP was a part of my youth. RIP, Chester.
  11. Euthanasia

    :c shame still, I thought they had something.
  12. They'll release a second album 12/6 too. And go on a Europe tour in November.
  13. Euthanasia

    Sweet <3
  14. Euthanasia

    They are so great!
  15. Love this. Chisas looks reminds me of NEXX times ;;
  16. Euthanasia

    lol yes. Motoki (smileberry, ex LUCHe) is a big yasu fanboy. Also ex shounenki members claimed to like Acid Black Cherry. Shounenki once had a ABC session live. Noah (avanchick) seems to like yasu/ABC as well, and Hikarito (Aiolin). And I am sure there's more.
  17. Euthanasia

    <3 still waiting for their new mini to arrive. But I've loved all of their earlier releases. Also their live dvd was great!! Hope to return to Japan someday and see them live because their lives seems so fun lol
  18. Just read on twitter that the tour got cancelled :c Announcement: 今月末より開催を予定していた“MATENROU OPERA EURO TOUR 2017”について重要なお知らせです。 現地プロモーター様の都合ならびにヨーロッパ国内の治安悪化も受けまして 誠に残念ではありますが全公演中止とさせていただくことになりました。 メンバー及びスタッフで慎重に協議を重ねた結果、 ご来場のお客様、摩天楼オペラ メンバー、スタッフの安全面を最優先に考えた上での苦渋の決断です。 なお、ご購入頂いたチケットの払い戻し等の対応について 現地プロモーターサイトでの正式な発表がされるまで必ずチケットはお手元にお持ち下さい。 チケットをお買い求め頂き公演を楽しみにされていた皆様、 ならびに関係各所の皆様には多大なるご迷惑をお掛けしますことを深くお詫び申し上げます。
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