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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Shinya is so goddamn boring. We’re just gonna “bum tap bum tap” our way thru every fast heavy section from now on, huh. World of Mercy is pretty nice though.
  2. The censored words? They’ve done it before with Mazohyst and Tsumi to Batsu 2011.
  3. There’s still like 8 minutes we haven’t heard yet
  4. Saishu

    I believe James Hetfield attended one of their shows in NYC back in 2008 or so
  5. I was the idiot that bought the last “uncensored” PV collection, and Revelation of Mankind is still censored.
  6. We probably won’t see the full PV until they release AVERAGE DISAPPOINTMENT next year.
  7. Saishu

    If anything I feel like Sho uses growls when it fits the lyrics. Kyo, on the other hand, often seems like he just randomly makes noises.
  8. So what Tool just dropped an album where all the ACTUAL SONGS are 10 - 15 minutes
  9. His mixes for Uroboros and DSS were completely sterile, and Arche was just too flat sounding, like every knob on the mixing board was at the same level.
  10. Everyone seems to think Insulated World is the worst sounding thing ever, so yeah
  11. Saishu

    How long before Sho wrecks his voice doing those fucking inhales?
  12. If this is meant to be some sort of closure to the Insulated World cycle, I’m going to assume it won’t be on the next album. But when has a song not fitting on an album ever stopped DEG?
  13. Saishu

    Most fascinating thing about that chart to me is that they’re all winter babies
  14. Saishu

    Okay, well I wasn’t aware of the various avenues in which to acquire a live limited. Though, to be honest, buying a copy from someone else exactly supporting the band either.
  15. Saishu

    But Kidoairaku isn’t accessible to anyone overseas. That’s the problem.
  16. Saishu

    It sounds like an album of old abandoned ideas that were dug up. And it pretty much is.
  17. Saishu

    I think the lyrics are written in a mirrored font in the album booklet.
  18. Saishu

    I mean, given the production quality of this thing, you’re basically hearing Sho’s raw vocals. Chedoara and Rijin clearly make use of pitch correction.
  19. Saishu

    Live limited thing sounds like ass, but at least we get to hear Hiroshi’s drums without all the digital polish on them. Honestly the production quality (or lack thereof) reminds me of Rentrer en Soi’s early stuff. Jesus Christ on a cracker the second disc tells me that Sho thinks Bugaboo Respira is genius and no one had the good sense to tell him he was dumb.
  20. Yeah, I don’t give a shit about the Gauze version after they started playing that tighter more focused version with the doomier vibe. I’ve been hoping for a studio version ever since but yeah guys I’d love a version of Kuukoku no Kyouon with Sugizo scratching his ass with his violin instead
  21. And most of those didn’t even need to be that long. Akuro no Oka could have made its point in about half the time. So could Mazohyst, but I guess they did that later.
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