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Everything posted by Ruha

  1. I'd take Gazette - 犯行声明文 (Hankou Seimeibun) ::: €6 (first pressing, limited 1000) please! <3
  2. Ruha

    A friend preordered Gazette's dogma as soon it was possible, they added external bonus later and she didn't get anything. T_T But I always get free zy magazines with my order.
  3. New Lycaon and Gazette Single announced -dead-

  4. Ruha

    New and last single on the 14th of october. I wanna cry T^T
  5. Ruha

    Did some Zero & Yuuki bracelets <3
  6. Ruha

    Bought some chekis. <3
  7. Ruha

    Aww, welcome! Hannover is full of visual kei friends! I'm sure you'll make some friends there.
  8. Finally holidays <3

  9. The song is absolutly amazing! It'll be worth the tons of Yen I paid for it. T^T
  10. Ruha

    Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! I know that problem of finding music that really 'flashes' you and the matter of finding disbanding bands. (They seem to really love disbanding when I'm totally in love with them)
  11. Ruha

    Me and my best friend met during a cosplay event 4 years ago. I was afraid to talk to her, 'because I'm shy and I thought she could think my cosplay is stupid. She came to me to let me write down my nickname from an internet platform. However, at first she fell in love with the friend (Mona) I was visiting the event with. I kinda felt like she'd take Mona away from me, so I started hating her. Later we started talking, got to know each other better and better and it did'nt took that much time to know we were best friends, because of all things we went throught. We went on our first holiday together last year. It was awesome. She's 5 years older than me and I wonder how she can manage my fangirl moments. xD I'm going to see her this week again, time to rape the playstation and visit a J-Style meeting in our hometown.
  12. Ruha

    I'm playing Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and Resident Evil 6 will follow with friend after our exam >D
  13. Ruha

    Asked a shopping service to bring some Lycaon cheki's and Gypsy with DVD that will be shipped in August. <3 Before that I bought Gazette's Shiver Limited.
  14. Ruha

    Thank you <3 The only one that is currently in use is Yuuki on my phone. The others just look pretty in the shelf. A huge amount of them was made as a gift.
  15. Ruha

    Cause of money I can't go to that much lives and I'm not able to go to Japan yet. Here are the ones I've been to:: 25.09.13 the Gazette - World Tour in Dortmund (the setlist was amazing!) 10.09.14 Lycaon & Born - The Rampage in Hamburg (even though I Gaze' is my fav, Lycaon had the best live I've been to, I never cried and had that much fun ever in my life) 20.05.15 Dir En Grey - The Unstoppable Life in Berlin (well... I love romantic songs, but that was a bit too much... and Rise of the northern star where HORRIBLE so in gernerel not that happy) And soon: 30.09.15 Miyavi - The Others (I really look forward to it!)
  16. Ruha

    As I told you in the introduction thread, I love working with FIMO. <3 Well here are some of my creations: Yuuki in his Gypsy outfit. Yuuki in his shadow outfit Uruha in his Red and Omega Outfit and his Fadeless outfit Aoi in his Vortex outfit and his omega outfit and his inside beast outfit Random Reita Hizaki (Versailles) Sweet Home's Kasuri and Shilo. They even retweetet it! I had to google translate what they wrote ,_, but I guess they were happy. And have some Byou, too! Random Outfit, I was creative. And just for fun, the first Fimo figures I ever made. They look so stupid. xD I still got some plans for my summer holidays: - Kazuki (Screw) - Zero (Lycaon) - Byou (Screw) - rest of Sweet Home - ...
  17. Ruha

    Thank you for the welcome-wishes. <3 Maybe we'll walk in each other some time? Or we even did so. xD Yay, that's great! ^3^ I'm the only fan of them within my friends. I kinda feel lonely xD
  18. Ruha

    These are made out of awesomeness! Especially the hair, I totaly love your style. <3
  19. Ruha

    I really like the drawing of your gold fish! <3
  20. Ruha

    Well, I'd like to introduce myself after I made an account which took me forever (I've been reading topics here for month). I'm Franziska, cute 20 years old (I feel pretty young xD) from Germany and a student in library and information science. Well ... my fav's are the Gazette, Lycaon, Diaura, Screw & Born, but I also like listening to Matenrou Opera, -Oz-, Sweet Home, Xepher, D'espairs Ray, Eat you Alive, Fest Vainqueur, Mejibray, ONE OK ROCK, Rentrer en Soi, Suicide Ali, Sadie, Synk;yet, Tokami, Reign and much more. I'm sure I still forgot some. xD I really enjoy going to concerts, but money doesn't allow me to go to them that often. So I kinda spend my time on working with FIMO, going out with my friends, raping my playstation (poor fat lady ;_; ) and learning. So, nice to meet y'all!
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