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Everything posted by diamondAss

  1. diamondAss

    embarrassed to the core ._.
  2. diamondAss

    create a fucking MH app ples
  3. diamondAss

    i'm too drunk to read ffs
  4. i just found out Zoro disbanded. i reaaally liked them as a duo, so it made me kinda sad :<

    1. beni


      wow, what? ahh, they had a great run.

    2. diamondAss


      i wonder what Ryuuji and Tatsushi will do in the future though. really looking forward to hear from them! :3

  5. ^ 'Summer Dive' was awesome i wonder if this dive is gonna be awesome too definitely looking forward though!
  6. i feel like a teenager again - been listening a lot of MCR. love ´em XD

    1. doombox


      Nuuuuu. I still love Emarosa. </3 I thought their new album was great. Lol high school is definitely Blink182 and Korn. OTL

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    3. Show next comments  6 more
  7. diamondAss

    ^ sure! would be more than welcome tbh
  8. diamondAss

    i listened to Dir en grey´s older stuff today and came up with this. something a bit different from my latest stuff. hence decided to post
  9. diamondAss

    i didn´t really know where to ask except here, so....... maybe someone could suggest me a movie or two that´s actually creepy. i´d like something about ghosts, demons, possession, exorcism - that kinda stuff. thanks!!
  10. diamondAss

    thanks, Ito! i did a small drawing at work yesterday i´ll be sure to buy art supplies next month - watercolours, brushes etc. i´d really love to do some proper artwork over a looooong time bruh, so tired of coloured pencils
  11. it´s so soothing to listen to Kiyoharu at midnight with dim light. romance, ha!

  12. diamondAss

    thank you plenty. i think it works now
  13. diamondAss

    ^ i´ve been using f2k for ages and i didn´t know it has built-in last.fm client. thanks! i hope it´ll work better EDIT: just in case.... will it add scrobbles automatically or do i have to submit them manually? this 'submit scrobbles' button got me a bit confused
  14. diamondAss

    ^ sadly running Win oh my, that´s a lot. i hope the fix will work for me too soon :/
  15. diamondAss

    Iceman - 'Lost Complex' what is your favorite scent?
  16. diamondAss

    D´erlanger - 'Sweet Emtion'
  17. diamondAss

    hi! lately my scrobbles don´t wanna go through. they stay cached for a really long time. i was wondering if someone has 'medicine' for that i read about deleting the content of the cache folder and re-instaling the scrobbler. i did the last one once and it didn´t really help, also i wouldn´t like to lose my precious scrobbles again. so, ples *~*
  18. diamondAss

    my best friend´s name is Ken and he´s a year younger than i am. at first when we met, we tried dating and nothing came out. then some time later we started talking again and found out we´re kinda similar. i like how he´s mainly into hip-hop/rap and metal-ish stuff while i prefer Japanese music in general, but we´re both interested in each other´s music. we tightly keep in contact and do lots of things together. it´s so good to know there´s someone to support you, no matter what
  19. diamondAss

    bcz Murasakibara Atsushi <3
  20. diamondAss

    have you tried Sneaker Pimps? their earlier stuff with Kelli Ali is pretty kickass (although it´s not Japanese, sorry) anyway, i´m searching for something similar to The Seeker, Iceman and Kotani Kinya and something more that´d be similar to T-Square
  21. diamondAss

    going through 'Kuroko no Basket' again, on 3rd season already. oh my how I still love Seijuro Akashi - why you so 'sexappealing'?!
  22. Eternal Elysium is so bloody good, aah <3

    1. CAT5


      "SEARCHING LOW&HIGH" is one of my fav. albums!

    2. diamondAss


      i just discovered them, listened to 'Spiritualized D', which was amazing. definitely gonna check out 'Searching Low&High' too. thanks!

  23. diamondAss

    you like Ellegarden toooo, yai it always akes me excited if someone likes something i do, too (pssht, check out Monoeyes)
  24. diamondAss

    Okan (おかん)! such clear sound, instantly fell in love with them
  25. diamondAss

    i love how the guy with a top hat is wearing sandals. i hope to hear about them soon as it seems pretty interesting so far (and not only sandals mm)
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