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Everything posted by suji

  1. You are a savior ♥ This song is absolutely beautiful~
  2. My friends are gonna be at the Germany shows~☆
  3. suji

    wAT I thought he was gay (there was a facebook screenshot w/ his sexual preference)??? Maybe that was a misunderstanding. And that's shocking o.o very shitty way to go, I guess.
  4. suji

  5. suji

    Wtf... that sucks.
  6. As always, they look so beautiful, but their current music also sucks....
  7. So many disbandments going on this month and further into 2016. This is truly sad.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      I try to be positive about it. Maybe it just means members from those bands you love with form bands with even better members.

  8. suji

    Guess their ability was zero after all.
  9. suji

    Same it's so good :0Otherwise this is too funny, especially the guy on the far left who drank too much today xD
  10. Wonder what Kisaki will do now. I can't imagine him retiring...
  11. It is useless to start any conflicts with anybody, especially if you're on the Ignore List. x)

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      The best is to not have any conflict at all ^w^ But it's not always possible. Fortunately i don't have conflict with anyone here, and i don't ignore anyone. I don't think someone ignore me too but i also don't really care about it.

  12. suji

    Chat was crazy today. Let's not make it crazy here too (again) xD
  13. suji

    The suddenness of it all, & the wife's post - and the wedding photo too - just makes this 1000x sadder.....
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