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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    Very good music, except the vocalist can't sing & can't even lipsync to save his own life. :/
  2. suji

    I love the masked guy's contacts ☆
  3. suji

    As in Distraught Overlord? Niiice~
  4. Yes, it says so on the first press part, so idk if it'll be available for a limited time.
  5. Could someone translate this? It concerns Kil:erre's future http://ameblo.jp/kilerre-setsuna/entry-12107503279.html

  6. Oh my god, hope that means he's ok....wish the best for his recovery. ♥
  7. suji

    Oh wow...no surprise there :/
  8. I'm surprised they haven't covered a Merry song yet...not that I know of.
  9. suji

    Looks like they're still called The End cuz it's basically ▶︎ stylized like a D, but it still looks dumb ;w;
  10. Oh thank goodness it wasn't caused by tanuki bangya xD But nonetheless, very saddened that he's gone. Hope he can recover.
  11. suji

    The support guitarist Ryux joined the band already, ages ago. Please read previous news posts.
  12. suji

    Yay Mana-sama!!!!!!!
  13. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hate the look quite honestly...
  14. suji

    I wonder who did the vocals here?
  15. suji

    Looking forward to this band already~ gives me kotekei vibes. Vocals aren't perfect, but the guitarist is EXCELLENT.
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