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Everything posted by suji

  1. マルコ (marco) Gt.Rutta & Dr.恭平 (kyouhei) will depart and retire after the band's live on September 10 due to their family situations. Furthermore, the two members will be terminated from their VOLTAGE ENTERPRISE contracts. http://san-marco.syncl.jp/?p=diary&di=1100773
  2. suji

    Didn't think of bringing this up, but Merry had a bit of a quick rise. They formed in 2001, held their first oneman in 2002, participated in Sads' tour in summer 2003 and participated in the Beauti-fool's Fest that same year, signed with Kiyoharu's label in 2005 and released a single in DualDisc format (which was a first in Japan at that time) that reached #2 in the Oricon charts, and finally went major around the end of that year. Basically having a tight deal with Fool's Mate and then Kiyoharu helped them rise to the top. Don't really know a lot about live attendance tho :v pretty sure they had some sold-out lives during that period tho~
  3. suji

    I didn't read thru the post all the way and thought you were talking about how he improved until now. Fixed up my post lol.
  4. suji

    more practice
  5. suji

    [limited edition] [regular edition]
  6. suji

    There's a huge difference between actual discrimination vs. playing the victim card and bringing up race in literally everything.
  7. It's been clarified that Kaguya will only pause live activities starting on 7/28...original post has been corrected.
  8. Azero Gt.ホース (horse) & support Gt.シェイド (shade) will depart from the band after their live on October 8.
  9. suji

    BUG SCREAM - Bible

    1st album of BUG SCREAM Bible [tracklist] 1. デジタルワールド 2. TRIGGER 3. FAKE 4. ガーベラとトリカブト 5. Party People 6. こいのぼり 7. SOKUBAKKY 8. Brain Control 9. 鍵しっぽ猫燦々 10. 聖なる剣 11. 指切り
  10. レインマン (rainman), which disbanded in 2014, will revive for one day at their live event, "'O sole. mio yossan" on October 7. Participating bands: Pt 1: レトロ。(retro) (ex-band of Vo.陽(you) コワレモノ(kowaremono) (band of Vo.陽(you)) (may be different lineup(s)) Pt 2: チョコレエトホリツク(chocolate holic) (ex-レインマン (rainman) members unit) ノスタルジック アナーキー (nostalgic anarchy)
  11. Mel has given his own statement about his departure. Here's what I got from that: Basically what it amounts to is that he was doing all the work, which included composing, webpage design, distributing flyers, etc, but the other members really weren't cooperating. The drama started when he had to leave the studio early due to personal reasons, which caused a conflict with another member afterwards (or maybe the incident made him leave the studio?? idk) The band said in their original announcement that he had threatened legal action if they used his songs (as he composed 80% of their songs so far), but Mel denies that. He then apologizes for his behavior and had intended for Natalie to be his last band, thus announcing his retirement. http://ameblo.jp/htjsm/entry-12294712826.html It makes me think of all the drama with Malisend...
  12. Quick update on Shuuta, who was involved in an accident just two months ago - he's well enough to stand (with crutches) and rehearse with the band 👍
  13. ナタリー (natalie) Gt.める (mel) has departed on July 20, as he has admitted to not being committed to the band and losing trust from the rest of the members. It's also pointed out that he has composed 80% of their songs, so...yikes.
  14. ユメリープ (yumeleep) Gt.かぐや (kaguya) will suspend activities after starting on the band's live on July 28 due to his deteriorating condition. I wonder if that means he's leaving the band...corrections are welcome. http://ameblo.jp/makura-nemu/entry-12294408013.html
  15. suji

    US dates for HIM's farewell tour have been added
  16. suji

    More Merry shit & also Kalavinka~ 💖
  17. suji

    plot twist: he probably has an account on here
  18. I also just realized that it's Chris Cornell's birthday; I hear they were really close, and it's really heartbreaking to see Chester succumb to the same fate as Chris did.
  19. suji

    I have a hard-on for kotekei bands, but this screaming nonsense has always annoyed me, with old and newer bands. That's why it's hard for me to like La'veil Mizeria because their discography mainly consists of this or 10 second intros in a 2-track single. :/
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