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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    It would really help if you followed the band on social media or check up their OHP/Youtube channel ever so often. I understand that you're desperate to hear this new single, it happens, but when you beg for it over and over again, that doesn't mean it's gonna come out any faster. It just means you're impatient.
  2. suji

    it got deleted
  3. suji

    anyone have kyo dwarf nudes????
  4. suji

    Black Tear just released a new song today. The production quality sucks so I'm not wasting my money on their new single. I wish their first single "夢" was more widely available:
  5. "孤独の中の悲しみと苦しみの涙" full lyric video:
  6. suji

  7. ウミユリ (Umiyuri) new live-limited CD, "睡り" (Nemuri) (1500 yen) will be released at Hitomi's birthday live at Takadanobaba AREA on March 30. The CD will also have another type (presumably available nationwide), according to Hitomi, similar to his mini-album. [tracklist] 1:fall asleep (instrumental) (Composed by yuya (Develop One's Faculties)) 2:イノサン (inosan) (Composed by yuya (Develop One's Faculties)) 3:Bells (Composed by 源 依織 (Minamoto Iori) (ex-BLESS THIS MESS, Femme Fatale, etc.)) 4:黒髪と黒猫 (Kurokami to kuro neko) (Composed by yuya (Develop One's Faculties))
  8. suji

    MAD LIP Ba.メル (Mell) will depart after their live on March 31. https://madlip.jp/news/
  9. new band, "31-8520" (pronounced "Sainohakoniwa") has formed around February and they have held their first live at Kumamoto B.9 V2 on March 25. OHP Twitter [lineup] Vo.ユキチ (yukichi) Gt.Kou Gt.玖 (Tama) Ba.さえまる (Saemaru) (ex-angryドールズ(angry dolls) -> アヴァンガルド (Avantgarde)) Dr.むー (mu) (ex-Abyss) They have also released their first mini-album, "sand spiel therapy" (live-limited, 2000 yen) on March 25. [tracklist] 1. mad T party 2. PB & ジェリー (PB & JELLY) 3. かみさまはいうとおり 4. 妄想ランデヴー 5. 1106
  10. am i the only one who calls them "one twenty twelve"
  11. suji

    I checked Ramiel's official twitter; besides the other two guys, they follow Jam/Nozomi and Tamaki. That confirms the bassist is ex-Ramiel.
  12. suji

    I thought we had already determined it was the DEVIZE guy.
  13. suji

    Welcome!! I hope you enjoy it here! If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me or anyone else with a red/blue/green name ^^
  14. suji

    They sound a'ight but this aesthetic is crap [2]
  15. suji

    @Ozileras10 I've enabled status updates on your page; you should be able to post now~
  16. suji

    I want to say that Yoneda is ex-DEVIZE's Tomoe, cuz of the similiar lip piercings and the same birthdate/blood type, but I'm not sure. (DEVIZE also just disbanded a few days ago, which adds to my theory)
  17. If I see a † in a band's name (which I sadly haven't seen recently), then I'm expecting a badass kotekei band like Larm†Ma'dule, etc. *_*
  18. suji

    Sora is ex-リベリオ (Ribelio) Naru
  19. suji

    Yuki has resurfaced on twitter and from what I can understand from Google translate, he's talking about his disease... https://twitter.com/lust_yuki
  20. [tracklist] 01.孤独の中の悲しみと苦しみの涙 02.DearesT It's also available at little HEARTS webshop~
  21. suji

    I'd be down for Aliene vs Mariah Carey to see who has the best squeal~
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