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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    DixdriveR will revive for one day at their live at Shinsaibashi SOMA on December 29.
  2. "憑影と月風 / tsukikage to tsukikaze" (formerly known as "op.7") PV spot
  3. suji

    This is not an ad. demo band INFELIX have formed into formal band "-[ Ad ]-" on July 1 and will hold their first live on September 8 at Ikebukuro Black Hole. Twitter OHP
  4. He got arrested for embezzling money from a woman. Pretty sure he's fired, but I'm not sure.
  5. it looks like their twoman with Dispina is cancelled according to their label boss
  6. suji

    @Alkaloid bless u this is double river records' answer to avelcain
  7. suji

    Pretty sure it's not Both bands looks terribad
  8. suji

    this is fucking DOPE
  9. suji

    Are they leaving on October 14 as advertised? They didn't really provide a date on their announcement, and I can't check the schedule cuz their site crashed (lol)
  10. Deviloof Gt.Seiya & Dr.Hiroto will depart after their oneman tour in October. The band will continue activities with support members.
  11. Looks like everyone except the drummer is ex-Lost World~
  12. suji

  13. These guys might all be ex-#LOST WORLD. (i know the vocalist is anyway) I'm so glad they're back!
  14. suji

    Update: Kisaki has announced that these costumes will be sold for less than one-third of the original price at Lorelei Entertainment's shop. He also adds that other bandmen can use them as their own costumes.
  15. still got a lot of lin stuff, amongst other bands like merry & marco, etc., plus a SHITLOAD of lin bootlegs, and other goodies! 👍


    **more stuff coming soon!!**


  16. ex-MoNoLith Vo.柳 (ryu) session band, "東北ドリームチーム" will perform on August 29 at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE. [lineup] Vo.柳 (ryu) (ex.MoNoLith) Gt.良乃 (ex.C.P.U.) Gt.稔樹 (toshiki) (LANTANA) Ba.Allen (IGGY) Dr.SETSUNA (MORRIGAN) He also had another session live with "NON-DARK-RAY" on July 29 at Ikebukuro EDGE. [lineup] Vo.柳 (ryu) (ex.MoNoLith) Gt.Hide (ex.LAGNA) Gt.莉蘭 (lira) (ex.ELYSION) Ba.テツヤ (ex.パノラマ虚構ゼノン (xenon)) Dr.Loa (ex.IGGY) https://ameblo.jp/kusoera/entry-12395329739.html?frm_src=thumb_module
  17. Statement from Dr.詩季 (shiki). I don't understand it, so...hALP.
  18. suji

    i find it laughable when someone tries to play grammar nazi "just to help" but it's even funnier when even they can't do it right. smh. believe it or not, there are people who have trouble speaking English; but that makes them all the more intelligent since they can at least communicate in another language other than their own. grammar nazis can eat my ass.
  19. suji

    The costumes they wore were from the Kamiuta PV.
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