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Everything posted by emmny

  2. emmny

    kaname is a brilliant composer, this project is in amazing hands. even if he doesn't end up playing guitar, i think he'd have a fair amount of say in what the guitarists will be playing
  3. HOLY MIYAKO i hope now that they're...mega popular they still don't forget their roots and still play crazy music.
  4. QUEEEEEEEEENNNNNNSSSS from the looks of the twitter live videos they sold their oneman pretty well!! hey at least all the bands of shimizuya go pretty far before they crash n burn
  5. emmny

    all of the above...yes art kei is SAVED...i am gagged...native appropriation but still slaying....AMEN. also kaname has amazing taste so i hope the rest of the lineup is as talented as kaname...that said he's on vox so im... double gagged
  6. emmny

    what the fuckity are the background vocals saying in theatre by belmosaic i need to know i hear "need me"/"help me"/"hitori" so what is the TRUTh
  7. i really hope they sell out the blaze oneman, they deserve it izumi is so PURE AND ANGELIC the true icon of the emos
  8. amazing look as always, kazuma's a fashion icon tbh
  9. emmny

    in all honesty i was never really a boris-head, i liked their post-rock/shoegazy material but i realized after listening and re-listening to pink that there's only a few songs i really enjoy. im oddly excited for the depressive fuckfest thats gonna be ghost bath...its like, 3 dsbm/deafheaven clones all in one night and its gonna BE LIT russian circles are coming within a few days of WITTR! OH SHIT GORGUTS ARE COMING WITH INTRONAUT IN OCTOBER AAAAhhh money=done
  10. emmny

    i didn't end up going. i realized i didn't care enough about boris to take my lazy ass to a show; im saving up for ghost bath and WITTR in september ;___: that said, u should probably bring headphones unless you're standing way far in the back; not only would it be quite loud (MBV loud...probably not) but the nuances of the sound would be lost among the drones
  11. emmny

    that epic bass break --> breakdown was awesome and saved the song from being entirely boring if lynch can throw more cool surprises like that at us, i have some faith they'll put out a good release.
  12. hbd fuckface <3 <3

    1. YuyoDrift


      where's my bds?




  14. emmny

    more relevant today then ever....DONT LET THIS DIE.
  15. emmny

    excited for this to start, curious to see how the new songs will be received.
  16. emmny

    killer outfits but ugly editing/background put them in the vk warehouse that would be cool AND TURN UP THE CONTRAST
  17. emmny

    the footage is live, the song is pre-recorded edit: WAIT WHAT NOW IM CONFUSED....
  18. emmny

    LOVE the video and visuals, best look of the year hands down that said, the song sounds like belka and all the other synth-jazz deathcore experiments they've ever released thrown in a blender and shaken around. kinda disappointing :/
  19. emmny

    now that is ratchet...bribing ticket preorders to fill a oneman in JANUARY at fkin ikebukuro edge...smfh
  20. emmny

    screaming in 7 different voices
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