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Everything posted by emmny

  1. sounds rlly good...still wont make me stan tho lol
  2. emmny

    we want SADS bitch! SADS!!!
  3. emmny

    sorry y'all i mixed up bottom line and music farm!!
  4. emmny

    if it was something relevant wouldn't it at least be at ell size or something?? bottom line for the legend status ??? tbh i think it'll be a one night revival of some bands with respect sessions. none of those bands listed were considered 'nagoya kei' by the jp definition so i don't think thats who the poster is refering to (at least i hope not)
  5. most of roppu's content has been wiped ;_____; my fav illegal avelcain/etc live footage is gone 4ever </3

    1. Aferni


      More Like his content was ALLL made private for a whole day, then the next...back public and then -WOOSH- gone. I noticed this because I was watching the DIAMOND HALL DVD clips and then the next day they were all private, then surprise surprise they became public again. Then the next day immediately everything was gone...roppu conspiracy?? maybe they'll return or not idk but it sure is weird behavior or maybe shizumiya had enough of him being  the king of uploading shit from their graveyard bands..or in sibile's case now soon to be


    2. tetsu_sama69
    3. emmny


      he still has a lot more illegal content from shimizuya up, which was weird like why take down some stuff but not all of it? also some ains stuff was taken out (mediena, (once affiliated) virge) so like im really confused as to why ;_______; im happy i watched what i need to TBH, ever since all the lycaon stuff was removed in a few days i got humbled lolololol

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  6. green pepper and milk...someone cancel this cooking show
  7. emmny

    weird addition tbh, thought they'd get someone more uh....hip? not familiar with elm tho, hope this dude's up to roji's level
  8. emmny

    s a t s u k i
  9. emmny

    my friends don't feed into the ignorant gay comments, LOL save it for another thread because we all know the answer to why that is a stupid argument as for why some band throw men only lives, it because the atmosphere for some bands is radically different between their male and female fans. i think this applies a lot for bands who are on the cusp of visual, so women's only lives might have more people engaging in certain furitsuke with a more "respectful" atmosphere whereas the mens lives are probably set up to be more wild, unhinged, "western style" live experiences. This is pretty similar to how gender is portrayed in the scene, with gyao tending to be more there to have fun rather than closely following typical gya conventions (worrying about how pretty their dresses are for their fav guitarist at kamite to see them from 4th row). On the flipside, some bands with male fans (check any DEG live report) can grind female fans (and even some dudes) the wrong way.
  10. emmny

    i was literally just thinking like how would ANY straight men stan the melodrama that is avelcain? who needs a jdrama when you have those emo queens?! marcus verified my existence.
  11. this is some....interesting shit
  12. emmny

    the jindie dudes smashed it, i actually like the crowd of rebellion cover dkm. mucc sound amazing i was surprised im gonna ignore kiyoharu's disrespect album contributions for the rest of 2017 rshithead and lmc were garbage as expected!
  13. emmny

    SDM, vivarush and jack caper are sHAKING
  14. emmny

    happy belated daddy

  15. emmny

    y'all i've been on such a vrzel, dimlim, canival binge lately .... trash status confirmed i've been soooo frustrated with music, both western and jp lately tbh that brand new was the only thing to cure my musical depression and uh im looking forward to the new national. you have me damned if you catch me playing anything post-2012 on repeat though, i don't think indie rock will ever be as good as 2008-2012 (except the 90's duh). every thing i've ever loved as a fake hipster teen has gone to lamestream garbage or just isn't the same and its mostly bc my taste has changed a lot but ugh the trends from back then were so good. y'all remember when there were like 15 lo-fi surf-rock/post-punk revival bands with the EXACT fucking same sound? that was hilarious i miss that lolololol
  16. emmny

    i love that DEG sell garbage cans, nice to know irony isn't lost on them!
  17. emmny

    u guys dont know FASHION
  18. so they're making an mv for it now? weird they're reissuing it (eventho its their signature track) cuz it was on a prior single
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