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Status Updates posted by togz

  1. How am I supposed to sleep ever if I close at 10pm and then have to commute an hour and a half home only to get up and commute 2hours back for a two hour meeting... And then come back AGAIN 7hours later....

  2. I can totz sound sophisticated and educated. Pay attention to my opinion, it's so important. I can hate that thing so much harder than you can because my biased opinion is such a relevant fact rn OMGROFLMAOBBQSAUCE1!!!!!1!!1

  3. i cry evrytiem

    1. Biopanda


      evry tiem :'(

  4. I decided to make a mix CD for my mom for Mother's Day, like album art/cd case/ booklet with lyrics and everything with a letter in it that says "Since there's to much to say on just a card, here's all the songs that make me think of you" and our reservation for brunch HA. she'll be like "ok."

  5. I don't think i could have listened to this album with a better person....

  6. I don't want to start a debate or anything, but let me search hard for a thing I saw that would make you rethink your opinion. : | Mom is dumb sometimes.


  8. I got my quaghz cd in the mail *___* babuchiya <3

  9. I guess I'm going karaoke tonight. Probably gonna do Animal by Neon Trees and Two way Street by Kimbra.... NOT ALCOHOL TONIGHT OR EVER AGAIN NEVER EVER FOREVER NEVER NO NOPE NEVER FUCK ALCOHOL. SMD ALCOHOL.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Is it only in Japan that you can sit in a room in front of a tv and fake your favorite songs? :P

    2. togz


      No there's Karaoke rooms here too, I just like singing in front of a crowd more?

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I see. Well I've never sang for a crowd before so I think I'd feel rather shy. Also I'd rather not go to a place with smokers -_-

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. I hate cars omg. How did I even make it to work today.

  11. I haven't been here much. But you can find me on FFXIV:ARR. ;___; I'm on Lamia server mostly...

    1. togz


      ;___; awwww.

    2. kyoselflove


      I miss that game.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Welcome back, so nice of you to stop by :P

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. I just realized the walking dead starts tonight

    1. togz


      D: i didn't have cable last season so i had to wait to catch up

    2. kyoselflove


      I haven't have cable in 6 years lol

    3. doombox


      I totally forgot about it until I saw someone post on facebook.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  13. I just wanna move already....

  14. I just want internet back but then I look at my recent schedule and realize I wouldn't have time to computer anyway. Struggle 5evar... Going through CAT5 withdrawals.

    1. CAT5


      I'm going through "Mina"pause...can no longer produce WesMinain dopamine ;__;

    2. togz


      you're so lame

  15. I just want to be a burrito and sleep all day... Because that's what burritos do...

    1. CAT5


      burritos are great tho ;3

    2. togz


      Hungry.... But I can't taste anything ;;

    3. karin-adele


      can i join you

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. I made it to 38 hours. Finally going to sleep, like the wimp I am.

  17. I managed to complete the trade off early and all my plans got cancelled pretty much so now I have all the time in the world this weekend and nothing to do.

  18. I may have actually just paid money for SHOCKMAN.

  19. I scanned sukekiyo and Ruki from the new PHY magazine. http://togvro.tumblr.com/

    1. hitsuji-hime


      Could you scan Merry too? :3

    2. togz


      I will tomorrow after work ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

    3. hitsuji-hime


      Okay, thanks uwu

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  20. I set up a twitch account. I'll probably just stream myself screaming at Last of Us on a regular basis. Follow me at : pc_head

  21. I SLEPT UNTIL 6 PM ಠ_ಠ

    1. paradoxal


      6PM?? XD duuuuude!

    2. nick


      Good morning!

    3. togz


      nostalgia... you made me feel nostalgic and miss my bed so I'm going back to sleep *___*

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  22. I super ordered PHY vol. 4 ( ̄Д ̄)ノ #imtrash

  23. I think I have officially exhausted all of my options for socialization.

    1. Tetora


      Are you having problems making new friends IRL?

    2. togz
  24. I think I just made my friend uncomfortable by showing her Daiki playing Taylor Swift on the toilet. Lol

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