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Everything posted by togz

  1. Time to fake sleep so I don't get in trouble.

    1. togz


      oops, my acting wasn't strong enough.

    2. Shir0
  2. togz

  3. togz

    Jinkaku Radio
  4. : | I need to fix my sleeping habits.

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. togz


      woah jig I didn't even know you were on at this time.

    3. Jigsaw9


      haha yeah, in my timezone it was like morning when I wrote that (now it's just past noon). xD

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  5. togz

    Much Ado About Nothing IT WAS REALLY FUNNY.
  6. togz

    I'm still behind. Hurry the ef up netflix.
  7. togz

    Probably TK from Ling Toshite Sigure. Thanks CAT5
  8. I voted it doesn't matter either way, but considering most of the people on here are in to pretty boys... I'm not surprised with the results. I think facial hair can be complimenting to someones features and the other way around. It all depends on the person and their features. Either way if you can grow facial hair and you want facial hair, grow the damn facial hair. If someone isn't going to like you because of your own personal appearance choices, they're probably not the one.
  9. Will still headbang, that guy was just so metal. \m/ also can go to concert together because wow someone who can keep up.
  10. togz

    Jack in the box :'[
  11. togz

    Zion and the dream, the space
  12. togz

    werd i still need to get my ticket. i might be going alone this year orz but how long have we known each other lol finally
  13. togz

    Most down to earth band i have had the pleasure of seeing so far on this journey of musics. Recommend to anyone. edit: digitalbounce i will see you at one of their cali shows i know that for sure.
  14. girl imma try and not delete things this time so we can stay friends forever.... I always add you and then vanish so i feel weird constantly asking you. so i'm glad you posted this lol.
  15. togz

    I love Nightmare but I absolutely dislike this release. Would not recommend.
  16. togz

    Hahaha I was joking about Kenzi before I went too and they weren't too wild honestly. I was surprised. They did cover maximum the hormones what's up people
  17. togz

    Everyone, pls. This thread is getting out of control. All of you stop it right now you... You... Hooligans!
  18. togz

    Tetora, pls.
  19. I guess that la vk fest thing with kon from cell, yuji and nozomi from carat, anti feminism, and tomo fromt he rhedoric...? with the vocalist of carat werd. It was pretty okay. It was in a really tiny bar... and most of the performances were similar to karaoke. jk. but uh.... idk it was fun. Anti feminism was wild... of course.
  20. togz

    I'd have to go with just MUCC on that list xD 1. PLASTICZOOMS - RUBBERS 2. A Fine Frenzy - The Minnow & The Trout 3. Animals as Leaders - Inamorata 4. 凛として時雨 - Filmsick Mystery 5. アルメリア - eclair 6. letlive. - We, The Pros of Con 7. 秋葉原少年団☆電脳ロメオ - 果て亡き輪舞 8. Crossfaith - Monolith 9. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Interlude 1 10. D.I.D. - 心眼、そして双眼。 CAT5 knows why i chose this one.
  21. togz

    It was really hard to STOP listening to this album.
  22. soy impaciente D<

  23. togz

    Here's how I feel. This is only an opinion and based off of my musical observance towards both bands. Again, both were extremely talented I feel. Both did have the problem of a guitar virtuoso, that I can 100% agree. I do also agree that Meku was a lot more focused on technicality more so than emotional phrases etc. But he formed GALEYD to have that sort of band. I highly doubt that GALEYD was trying to be like DELUHI. Prior to GALEYDs formation, there was aim, which was basically GALEYD with a different vocalist. Whether they were independent or signed to the same label, I am not sure. But I am assuming that aim was definitely in the labels interest since their cd is on the label shop site with DELUHI and GALEYD goods. I won't lie, I haven't gone through and listened to every DELUHI song on the planet, but at one point I did give them a listen, and this was before GALEYD was even around. I really just didn't like Juri's vocals. They're not bad, they just didn't appeal to me. Garo on the other hand has a very good vocal range and a lot of strength behind it. He may have a higher pitch, yes... but from live videos he did extremely well. I prefer his vocal showcase more in GALEYD than any of his other projects. I do feel that while Leda and Meku are both very technical players, both are creative in their own ways. The transitional songs on Genesis, Loaded, and Destiny (op: 1, op: 6, and op: 9) showcased a lot of different styles that meku in-cooperated in to a metal feel. I'm not sure if Deluhi has songs like that or not. I'm just saying I doubt Meku went to a musical institute to be a Leda copy. I think they just have similar taste in technicality. With that said, I choose Galeyd simply because their sound appeals to me more than Deluhi. If both sounded so similar, I would have trouble choosing to begin with.
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