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Posts posted by togz

  1. In my case... I got in to VK at a younger age as well. Now, I buy all the releases of the bands I really like. But before, Clearly I wasn't old enough to have a job and I had parents who limited my internet usage and websites anyway. So if it wasn't for downloads, and those blogspots I wouldn't have even discovered visual kei in the first place. But I think it's nice for them to source where they recieved the download from simply because not everything is uploaded to just one site. There's downloads here that i couldn't find reposted anywhere else and then there's some downloads I could only find on certain blogspots. I don't care for credit to the actual uploader, it's not a difficult thing to do. When I password protect my things it's not because I MYSELF want credit, I just tend to make the password like "monochrome-heaven" or something so if the link is reposted and not reuploaded, at least people have to enter that password and wonder where it came from. idk. I figure it'd just help more people direct to one area. 


  2. Like I said (though I disagree with the statement) if they're not from Japan or Japanese they automatically suck. There was a local band named lucid in Southern California where I used to live. They sounded so bad so terrible! The vocalist struggle to stay in key when he did sing hurt my ears. But a lot of people showed up to their lives but not to vk influenced bands that sounded really good actually. In fact lucid was even put up for download on some really popular blogspot, and I don't think people realized they were located in America.

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