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Everything posted by Kiryu999

  1. I love it! (Even ten years later they still have the same faces lol japanese people never age)
  2. Awesome! The chorus is a little weak but the drums is so cool!
  3. Kiryu999

    It's from DOGMA, the guy said that the DEUX PV is actually a live PV.
  4. Kiryu999

    Preview of DOGMA music video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x32sbcm_dogma-pre-view_music He's teasing us so much. But damn that video looks flawless, can't wait for the full version!
  5. Kiryu999

    I'm not listening to all these leaks, waiting to have the full album to listen it all at once.
  6. Kiryu999

    ^ It's on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AFSj96ayMI He just uploaded Wasteland: https://mega.nz/#!b9Mi1I7C!oPK7ZHOT1Ikz7NYWzlFGcWweb8swUdLhGCiMvJSycuI
  7. Kiryu999

    Despite the shitty quality it sounds very good! The part at 3:27 until the end is amazing!! Now i'm officially stoked for this album.
  8. Kiryu999

    Oh okay I see, thanks everyone for the informations
  9. Kiryu999

    Ugh why EMS >_> okay thank you for the answers One last quick question, on some items there is 3 different prices and i don't get what the 3rd price (付属品無) is ?
  10. Kiryu999

    I also have questions about puresound, I wanted to know what shipping service they use? And also how do you pay them since they don't accept Paypal ?
  11. They are under Licht Entertainment, it's Ray's label.
  12. Not bad, only Black Lily and ANACLISIS caught my ear for now. The rest is nice but a bit boring.
  13. This girl again? It's like the 3rd time they bring her in a PV. Anyway it sounds ok, nothing special.
  14. Hmmm not sure if I like this look or not....
  15. Samples can be listened here: http://www.ancafe-web.com/disco/
  16. Kiryu999

    That's hella expensive and most of the stuff in the bag are useless
  17. Samples are not bad but now they sound like every metalcore vk bands, they kinda lost their originality.
  18. The vocals are very shitty lol too bad because the instrumental is not bad.
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