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Everything posted by NekoHime

  1. NekoHime

    Have u recognized that, the guy who is cutting his hair is Tsuzuku?? ( Just look at the tattoos.) Oh yes just keep going and work together please. Also huge respect for Koichi. This message is strong and beautiful af. This is it, what an artist is called. I'd totally stand up for this guy forever. Again...HUGE RESPECT. Ps.: Oh and the date. 2017.dec.22. So it was decided a long before. Ok it's obvious but...
  2. NekoHime

    Let's hope for Riku can come back with something new that for for him. He did really great music with Kisaki back then. His voice is my childhood.
  3. NekoHime

    There's a part in me who hope that Mia will depart from them, I can't stand his heartless fancy sh*t behavior recently, like there's nothing happened at all. Even if I know he writes really good music. That's a fact. But don't judge me if I have a bad feeling about it after this. Sorry. :/
  4. NekoHime

    Shit, it was fast... First Mako and then Jigai. I hope to see them again in the future.
  5. NekoHime

    Haha, I'm not surprised, they had so many live together, and it seems they're really good friends. It's so cute. <3
  6. NekoHime

    MIZTAVLA's drummer Fumiya suddenly passed away on 2017.10.15. It seems his disease unexpectedly got worse. His family asked to the exact cause to be hidden. The funeral will be private too. It's hard to imagine they've just had a live on the same day and it seemed everything is okay even if they were tired... The members all left a comment about their feelings and will take an announcement about the band's future later. It's really hard time for the members and the fans too, please show them respect. You can find here the official announcemet and the comments: MIZTAVLA Official Blog
  7. NekoHime

    I've seen them two times, they're makes REALLY good lives, I hope they'll have enough fan in Europe, to make the tour successful.
  8. NekoHime

    Sorry, but I have to say it: FINALLY. I hope the other members will find a new singer, because Izumi was terrible. :/
  9. NekoHime

    OH YES PLEASE /there's no way to say this band name in public loudly..../
  10. I was really waiting for this kind of mix of the two band! (really sure about the others gonna come back somewhere else too) It seems there's a lot of disappointed people but tbh I'm totally satisfied with these line-up, I missed Ryo's voice so much. So reeally waiting for more. Hope they won't disband that fast this time...
  11. NekoHime

    This is a very new local free magazine, I don't think there's any english translate yet, but I really hope that somebody will make.
  12. NekoHime

    I'm totally done with this week wtf. .-.
  13. NekoHime

    Ok I'm in shock, I don't understand it at all. It seemed they're have enough fan, and not only in japan. And don't dare to speak about that "Mejibray copy " thing because if u follow them, you can see that they changed in a good way. And it's so sudden I mean just only one month and had to cancel things... And usually they announce disbands more month before... It's a mistery. But yes still curious about the 2. press of Seraph...
  15. People wrote too much rude things since the disband like they're/he will never come back and get the fuck calm and etc. and made fans sad. That's why I wrote this. Anything is good but I have to say the best would be is something music related. Because we miss his voice soo soo much. Not just the appearance.
  16. If it will be a new band/solo project, I will punch all the negative people in the face hah! XD
  17. 1 week until the Gazette concert. <3 See you in Münich 

  18. Wow, sound really good. The vocalist has really sweet voice. I'm interested.
  19. OMG I KNEW IT !!!!! <3 BUDAPEST <3
  20. Hey we found out, Nokubura is coming to Europe!! :D

    1. orange~


      yeaaa... but..but-- it all costs :'D

      Still very amazing news!

    2. NekoHime


      Yes ofc. :3 And I hope you'll able to see them somewhere.

    3. orange~


      maybe I'll take some extra work shifts or sumthin.. I was planning on seeing some no-name random bands in Japan so I don't have to pay much and maybe few *a little* bigger ones,... but yea.... I'll see nokubura somewhere @_@"

    4. Show next comments  6 more

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Damn, I'm jealous.

  22. NekoHime

    Yes maybe, but I realized it was a half year ago....Ok they're a bigger band ( I think ) so maybe they have to wait or something like that.. It could be so many reason. I was a little bit worried, but this tweet gave me hope. There must be something in the near future. <3
  23. NekoHime

    I'm still excited as Yuuki suddenly posted on twitter "Always with you..." 2 days ago.... What does it mean? I know that he is a kind and caring person, but I'm not sure if this is "just" a nice life sign or is there something in the air..?
  24. Idk what to do with my life without Lycaon at the moment...Miss the tweets..

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