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zombieparadise last won the day on November 28 2016

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About zombieparadise

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    Wataru's Punching Bag

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  1. Finally deleting my Facebook after using it for 13 years. Can't believe I willingly gave so much information to a private corporation for almost half my life.

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    2. zombieparadise


      @Tokage Unfortunately, you're 100% right. If a Smart TV needs to listen for your command, it's listening all the time. Same thing applies to Big Brother Alexas/Homes. No thanks. Sadly, I can't break from my phone just yet 😧

      @tetsu_sama69 I know, right? We got on fine without this shit 10 years ago. I would argue that it's actually made the last decade more worse than better. Gonna miss the family communication, but what can ya do

      @nomemorial I was literally 'endless scrolling' as I was trying to delete it. It's crazy how addictive it is and the developers of the platform know it; it was created with that in mind. I'm going to miss following my bands too, ugh

    3. zombieparadise


       @Tokage Unfortunately, you're 100% right. If a Smart TV needs to listen for your command, it's listening all the time. Same thing applies to Big Brother Alexas/Homes. No thanks. Sadly, I can't break from my phone just yet 😧

      @tetsu_sama69 I know, right? We got on fine without this shit 10 years ago. I would argue that it's actually made the last decade more worse than better. Gonna miss the family communication, but what can ya do

      @nomemorial I was literally 'endless scrolling' as I was trying to delete it! It's crazy how addictive it is and the developers of the platform know it; it was created with that in mind. I'm going to miss following my bands too, ugh. Guess I'll have to stick to sites like MH!

    4. tetsu_sama69


      I do offer my phone number to family so they can keep up with me and I have a hard time making or re-connecting friendships because I don't use facebook or it's messenger app. I've straight up been on facebook posting my "i'm not dead" post and people are like wow we haven't talked in ages and the moment i offer my phone number to text me or them it's like I'm some kind weirdo. It's strange to me because the messenger app just acts like a text and uses your phone number. I think it's just made people feel weird to socialize without it and I don't undestand why.

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