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Status Updates posted by fictioninhope

  1. When a customer tries to use a Huggies coupon on Pampers and says "They're all diapers, it should work" when you explain to her that a Huggies coupon won't work on Pampers... Siiiiigh. :|

  2. Working retail at Christmas makes me want to play in traffic.

  3. Chanty was so good. SO GOOD.  I'm gonna die.

    1. fictioninhope


      Fiction's Chanty-Weekend Report: Akuta is a hugger. Taku, Chitose and Akuta like women with large boobs that squish nicely in the hand. Shia is a total sweetheart and was really shy but gives good hugs. Naruto is the most beautiful broom in a closet full of brooms. Naruto makes me question my sexuality and my love of bassists.  They are so pop-y musically but they go harder than MeteoroiD will ever hope to go. Chitose and Naruto looked at me like I was batshit insane when I recommended they go eat fried catfish while in Oklahoma. I'm sorry but fried catfish is amazing. Take your shrimp and suck it.

      Serious note: They are so fantastic live. Like the studio recordings are great but live? Wow wow wow. And then acoustic!!! Oh my god just kill me now because I can't handle anything anymore. This band has literally made me so happy, I haven't been this crazy over a band since DELUHI. I think about these adorable idiots and it just puts a huge smile on my face, I'm already having withdrawals from Chitose being all cute and saying hi to us all the time.

      Bonus: RaL of MeteoroiD is a beautiful cinnamon roll and the only reason Kelly and I powered through that live without punching someone in the face. If it wasn't for him staring us down when we weren't giving him attention we would have gotten kicked out of the con. Bless him.


    2. fitear1590


      That's awesome! I love Chanty's music, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them so much live!

    3. fictioninhope


      Honestly I was expecting to like.. enjoy them but not love them since I tend to go for the heavier stuff. I was thinking MeteoroiD were gonna be my new faves but Chanty really stole the entire weekend. 

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