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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    Finally completing my Ô so beloved Peaky Blinders blu-ray collection, thanks to Play.com (my first order went well, I'm fully satisfied!).
  2. Interesting. Did they tell you why this obsession for engrish tho? I'm really curious to hear why they feel obligated to put a certain amount of random -or not- words in their songs (like the GazettE for example; and surely others but it's the first example that crossed my mind tbh). I do hope that they're not that stupid, they can hear that they sing like shit in english lmao.
  3. MW/V videos previews are awesome! megamasso never disappoint!!! #crying #kbye

    1. Mihenno


      Im screaming im so excited

  4. eiheartx

    CRYING RN THIS IS TOO WONDERFUL FOR ME ToT can't wait to receive all my singles *_* inzarld with his guitar again, I love that <3 Covers (thanks to Amazon): Limited A: Limited B: Regular:
  5. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to: kai_desu (26) Jay737 (28) li-xan (26) Chriizz (20)
  6. eiheartx

    is it halloween yet? xDD I just don't know what these outfits are for. :'(( btw, we still have no samples, no artworks, no ohp updated, peanuts. I'm pissed.
  7. eiheartx

    I missed a lot of bday, I'm sorry guys! I want to redeem myself. Happy birthday to : (28) Yuki No Sai (and a big thank you for your contribution to MH with your fab uploads!). Greatly appreciated. And happy birthday to these people too: (26) Karumo (25) saturnine (29) go_toe (18) kaoru_gusta (24) DogManX (27) mikan
  8. it's bad. If you can't sing properly in english then don't do it.
  9. The DIM SCENE tracklist is awesome. The GROAN one is a bit disappointing (no Yoin?? UNTITLED? ToT). As usual, the artwork kicks ass. the trailer looks good, some nice energy in there.
  10. eiheartx

    The Musketeers s2e6 'Through A Glass Darkly' yay /o/ fuk me, best episode of this season so far!!
  11. Abe Mao's newest album is a fucking boring mess; what a cruel disappointment. I'm so done rn.

    1. eiheartx


      I'm usually a good audience regarding her albums releases, I truly am. But this one, I just can't (the others songs -except the songs already released- are not good. To stay polite). Have a good listen tho!

    2. beni


      I'm happy to see another Mao fan here, so not a prob with how you felt about this one! It's interesting to hear opinions before hearing. I only managed to listen through it today, and I understand why you say that. I felt a few tracks did stand out. Not a lot and as you said, not as brilliant as her single releases. Thank you btw! Just sorry this is being a late feeback once again.

    3. eiheartx


      don't be sorry about the delay ! it's nice you haven't forgot to share your thoughts about it! I hope the next release will be better, she can do it, I'm confident!

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  12. eiheartx

    yep, this one.
  13. eiheartx

    mine is the combination of 'ei' (the finnish word - don't ask me where I found the idea for that lmao cannot remember it, I have this pseudonym for years - Or maybe it's the rest of my Uniklubi/finnish bands period lmao xD) + 'heart'. It suits me well, everyone told me that i have no heart/heart made of stone. the 'x' is a plus (my twitter pseudonym doesn't have it for example). when it comes to choose a pseudonym, I literally have zero inspiration so. xD
  14. eiheartx

    All are in kanji (because last.fm; I hate having the wrong tag, it's annoying for me). Recently (yea sadly xDD), i discovered the way to sort out my artists on iTunes (with romaji). So, I scroll my library and when I want to go faster, I put a romaji band/artist name on my search function and voilaaa. I'm incapable to read japanese, so It's a little problem for me when I have to talk about some kanji songs for example, I just don't know their names for the majority xD so, I'm using 'track 08' or the kanji name but I don't know what it means at all. Not sure if I'm understandable. xD (I guess I can do a quick Google research, but I'm too lazy for that).
  15. I have a serious crush on 恋い雪 so I'm looking forward to hear this album! the trailer sounds good!
  16. eiheartx

    The Musketeers s2e5 'The Return' finally they're back, and my prayers has been heard; an episode focused on Sassy Athos! bby <3 he's my favorite musk.
  17. eiheartx

    song: ザ リーク (BANG ME crappy B-side).
  18. eiheartx

    a demo of MH4 is available on the e-shop, maybe you should give it a try.
  19. wtf xDD this band is the funniest ever.
  20. eiheartx

    BlutEngel - Omen (Album) my most anticipated release off this month!
  21. eiheartx

    wow stunning track!! Really addictive!
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