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    clear1985 reacted to Zeus in I will miss her so much...   
    Clearly you do care, otherwise you would have moved on. I have an idea of why she instantly said no which I'll get into later. But for now let's continue.

    Mistake numero uno. Never do that. Romance doesn't work like that in real life. In the movies, the man can try again and again and eventually the woman will "see the error of her ways and turn around" because the movie requires a happy ending. In real life, no means no means no and there's nothing you can do to change that.  

      Because she said no already and you didn't get the message? I had a girl who would do the same thing (usually while drunk) and would never get the message. I ended up having to avoid her because she didn't comprehend the meaning of no.

    Because she's afraid you're going to ask her out again probably.  


    No one but her can answer this question. Unfortunately for you, she's not talking to you anymore. So you may never get the actual reason why she said no. Here are a few reasons I can come up with: She's not attracted to you. She thinks you might be creepy because you confused persistence with crossing boundaries. She might be afraid of what her parents would think. Especially if she's from that culture, her parents may not approve of her dating people that aren't Chinese. In this case it's not just a Chinese thing. I've seen Indian, Japanese, Korean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Caucasian, Black, etc. parents who feel the same way. As I said before, there's nothing you can do to change that mindset of hers/her parents. The bold is what I think it is. If you spent a lot of time around her before she stopped talking to you, you should have gotten an idea about her, her family background, and if you had a shot in the first place before you went for it. If you don't know this, you tried too early. If you did know this and you went anyway, I'm not going to commend your tenacity. Just...don't. There are 3.5 billion women in the world. If this one says no, try another one.
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    clear1985 reacted to digi in I will miss her so much...   
    Maybe she just genuinely wasn't interested in being anything more than friends/acquaintances or whatever you two might be? 
    I mean, some people just don't take it as a "compliment". Kinda simple. 
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    clear1985 reacted to hitsuji-hime in I will miss her so much...   
    What the hell does this have to do with her being Chinese? She just doesn't wanna date you dude, get over it.
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    clear1985 reacted to Tetora in I will miss her so much...   
    Lol, give us the play by play, how did the convo go and how did you ask her out?
    And after you get turned down once you cant ask again unless the relationship between you changes. If you ask her when nothing has changed the response will be the same.
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    clear1985 reacted to Vitne Eveille in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Ah yes, the art of procrastination  I was quite good at that myself in college.  I had many hours (and days) lost in the world of Fallout 3
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    clear1985 reacted to TrentReznor in Buying tickets to Japanese shows from outside of Japan   
    thanks everyone for the tips! 
    I was afraid about the japanese address thing, but with the hotel or the help of a friend (clear1985) I guess it can be solved.
    Just one last question...usually the tickets there are numerated or just need to go early and wait in line for a good place?
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    clear1985 got a reaction from TrentReznor in Buying tickets to Japanese shows from outside of Japan   
    True. Just read this. This guy's friend also tried to get tickets from outside Japan, and the other guy replied, "They can buy tickets from outside Japan, but still they need an address in Japan."
    As for the address, this guy asked the hotel to keep the tickets until check-in.
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    clear1985 reacted to Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    yeah definitely not. it plays flawlessly on a decent desktop rig though
    Playing a lot of Shovel Knight still... really I'm just in love with this game also playing Dark Souls II still whenever I feel like it.
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