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Everything posted by akiko

  1. akiko

    Amazing new look ❤️
  2. I always wanted to see Taizo in more interesting band. Now he has the chance to do this.
  3. These album covers are weird, looking inside your soul by these "eyes"...
  4. Lineup is messed up, OMG ;_;
  5. akiko

    They made too much PV's for this album. And one is vertical xD
  6. They sound really great live ❤️
  7. akiko

    I completely forgot about this label xD
  8. akiko

    Yay for Yusa and Hiroki! NORMCORE? was great until the chorus started...
  9. akiko

    So this band was created only for April fools day?
  10. Can't wait for the preview, because I am curious how they will sound like.
  11. akiko

    Something happened when they released STRONG POP. This album was average, but after this they released PERFECT FANTASY, PERFECT RAINBOW, VEDA, and now FUTURE SENSATION and I love all these albums <333 I am their fan since 2008 and still love their music so much xD
  12. Finally! Can't wait ❤️
  13. I was not impressed by this preview, but after few listens it's getting better xD
  14. akiko

    They are great! But 邪崩 should be read as Jakuzure. It was confirmed in interview, but I am too lazy to find it. This song is named Jakuzure on iTunes as well.
  15. akiko

    Their single is available on iTunes, if someone is interested.
  16. Can't wait xD And Souji looks lovely as always ❤️
  17. akiko

    I noticed, but price is too high for 11 songs, and not everything is new.
  18. akiko

    I actually like it! Nice catchy song with really good vocals. And their guitarist has lovely hair xD
  19. akiko

    I need to say this, but I'm disappointed... I loved VARIOUS and THE SILENT SONG [all four songs were amazing <3]. Issei compositions made this band unique, and I was worried how they will sound without him. vanitas is probably the best, but not as good like アハレワタor 「初潮」(songs with PV's). Unfortunately for me this album has two boring intros and so many average songs... I'm sorry.
  20. They will release new single on August 22. This news was shared on 27th of July, but no one wanted to make this post, so here it is xD Tracklist: 1. HIKARI NO SAKI 2. こんなもんでしょ Every version will have DVD with PV.
  21. akiko

    I listened to them 10 years ago and barely remember their songs. But if they want to comeback so please Ken focus on Laruku instead of producing music for other bands [A9, DaizyStripper] ;_;
  22. I am glad I didn't bought new ACME's album. I can't believe how much I am disappointed by this release. Instead of this yesterday I bought new LM.C's album, and I love it, especially Intersection, Hangover and Brainwashing. 

    1. Zeus


      wanna write  a review about it?

  23. akiko

    They shouldn't include old songs on this album, because they sound so weird while listening to that preview. Like two different bands o.O I like album cover thought. I couldn't believe it's chiaki's voice in some new songs, especially first one.
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