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Ada Suilen

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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in BORN new mini album "オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)" release   
    it is announced at BORN one-man live "~THE STALIN -SECTION 3-【HEAVEN'S ADDICTION】~" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/04/26 that their new mini album "オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)" will be released at 2015/07/22 (3 TYPE)
    limited edition TYPE A & B (3,240yen each) will include CD (5 songs)+DVD, and regular edition (2,916yen) will include CD (7 songs) only
    [limited edition TYPE B DVD track list]
    01.GOD COLLAPSE (Live Edition PV)
    03.オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula) RECORDING DOCUMENT MOVIE
    btw they will hold their live tour "オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)" since Shibuya REX at 2015/07/28 and up to tour final at Akasaka BLITZ at 2015/09/06

  2. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "道化ノ華(douke no hana)" release   
    it is announced at アルルカン(arlequin) one-man live "胡蝶之夢(kochou no yume)" at TSUTAYA O-East at 2015/04/26 that their new maxi single "道化ノ華(douke no hana)" will be released at 2015/06/03 (2 TYPE)
    TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD+DVD (including "道化ノ華(douke no hana)" PV), and TYPE B (1,620yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    01.道化ノ華(douke no hana)
    02.身を知る雨(mi wo shiru ame)
    03.人形-ヒトガタ-(hitogata) (included in TYPE B )


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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in 柳(yanagi)(ex-Saruin) new band "BLESS THIS MESS" has formed & new album "Hymn" release   
    their 4 more new songs will be available for listening to soon
    01.bad rubbish
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST 2 new singles release   
    title of their new maxi single is finalized as "PROVIDENCE" (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (2,040yen) will include CD+bonus LIVE CD (including 4 live songs from their mobile member-limited live at Shibuya CYCLONE at 2015/05/03), and regular edition (1,620yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    03.Ignis heart
    [limited edition LIVE CD track list]
    02.A Day to Re:member
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in ザアザア(xaa-xaa) new mini album "どしゃ降りの彼女(doshaburi no kanojo)" release   
    it is announced at ザアザア(xaa-xaa) presents live at Shinsaibashi VARON at 2015/04/23 that their new mini album "どしゃ降りの彼女(doshaburi no kanojo)" will be released at 2015/06/01 (1,500yen)
    btw they will hold their one-man live "どしゃ降りの心斎橋(doshaburi no shinsaibashi)" at Shinsaibashi VARON at 2015/07/01

    SET-LIST at 2015/04/23:
    02.コワイクライ(kowai kurai)
    04.せめてもの世界(semetemono sekai)
    05.君の心臓を食べてしまいたい(kimi no shinzou wo tabeteshimaitai)
    06.感電、けがのおそれがあります。(kanden kega no osore ga arimasu)
    07.独奏オーケストラ(dokusou orchestra)
    01.どしゃ降りの彼女(doshaburi no kanojo)
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    Ada Suilen reacted to auroracristate in Sadie will be on hiatus & new maxi single "Voyage" release   
    I really hope the hiatus will help them solve any kind of problems they might be having, I hope it won't be too long though! 
    Sadie is one of my favourite bands, so it'd be so sad seeing them disbanding (after Lycaon announced too), let's hope this hiatus is for the best! I'm sure they'll come back soon and stronger, so that I'll possibly manage to see them live maybe ;;;;
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    Ada Suilen reacted to shinobu. in VERY BERRY new mini album "quartet M" release   

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    Ada Suilen reacted to Yukami in LIPHLICH 2 live-limited singles release   
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in new band "MALISEND" has formed   
    new band "MALISEND" will hold their first live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/04/27, since which their live-distributed single "Reincarnation" will be released
    "MALISEND" members:
    Vo.悠樹-yu-ki- (ex-Think U Sorrow)
    Gt.紫月-sizuki- (ex-Project「R」(黒-kuro-)-->Think U Sorrow(黎-kuro-))
    Gt.雲雀-hibari- (ex-[es]-->Think U Sorrow(穹-sora-))
    Ba.璃乃-rino- (ex-Project「R」-->Think U Sorrow(沁薇-shinla-))
    Dr.或-aru- (ex-[es]-->Think U Sorrow(瑯-rou-))

  16. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in グリーヴァ (Grieva) 3 new singles and mini album release   


    01.Type[艶](SE) (Type[Tsuya])
    02.自己精神殺害推進會 (Jiko Seishin Satsugai Suishinkai)
    03.妄想主義者ノ背徳 (Mousou Shugisha no Haitoku)
    04.Art play
    05.夢デ逢ウ貴女ガ削除デキマセン。(Yumede Au Kijo ga Sakujodekimasen.)
    06.密室104号室~暗イ部屋二僕ト君~ (Misshitsu 104-Goushitsu ~ Kurai Heya ni Boku to Kimi ~)
    07.腐『furan』乱 (Furan)

    価格:\2.700円(tax in)

    When art-kei and homage-kei collide
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in Shaura session will perform   
    Shaura & シュン(shun)(ex-Vidoll) session will perform at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/06/17, at which session "楽しい事しましょうBAND" will also perform
    "楽しい事しましょうBAND" members:
    Vo.&Gt.夢時(yumeji) (eStrial, HOLLOWGRAM, Angels)
    Vo.&Key.TERO (†яi¢к)
    Ba.YUCHI (sukekiyo, kannivalism)
    Dr.篤人(atsuto) (eStrial, Angels)
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in Sel'm new album "玲瓏(reirou)" release   
    it is announced at Sel'm 11th anniversary one-man live "ANTHOLOGY" at Meguro Rock May Kan at 2015/04/18 that their new full album "玲瓏(reirou)" will be released in 2015 summer, although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their one-man live "玲瓏たる歪轟(reirou taru higou)" at Shinjuku LOFT at 2015/09/12
    SET-LIST at 2015/04/18:
    01.clying wolf
    09.greedy pig
    11.last hill
    15.蜘蛛のち雨(kumonochi ame)
    22.Illegal world
    01.Road of judgment
    02.Crazy Dreamer
    03.終わる世界(owaru sekai)
  20. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to fitear1590 in Jupiter new instrumental CD "THE HISTORY OF GENESIS-Instrumental ver.-" release   
    If it were an instrumental version of Classical Element, I'd consider buying that.
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in CLØWD new maxi single "#夏の微熱(#natsu no binetsu)" release   
    it is announced at CLØWD presents 4-man live "クラウドワン(CLØWD ONE)" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/04/17 that their new maxi single "#夏の微熱(#natsu no binetsu)" will be released at 2015/08/05 (2 TYPE), although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their one-man live "理想郷(risoukyou)" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/08/22, 猟平(ryouhei) birthday eve presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/08/04, 庵(iori) birthday presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/09/14, 冬真(touma) birthday presents live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/11/21 and KØU birthday premium live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/12/30
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in DADAROMA new maxi single "「雨のワルツ」(ame no waltz)" release   
    it is announced at DADAROMA presents live "Gipsy #1" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/04/17 that their new maxi single "「雨のワルツ」(ame no waltz)" will be released at 2015/07/15 (2 TYPE)
    [CD track list]
    01.「雨のワルツ」(ame no waltz)
    02.愁いリビドー(urei libido)
    03.腐ったミカンの方程式(kusatta mikan no houteishiki) (included in TYPE B )
    btw they will hold their live tour since Sapporo KRAPS HALL at 2015/09/03-09/04 and up to Shinjuku ReNY at 2015/09/24
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Karma’s Hat in DISREIGN (YOHIO) 1st single UNTIL THE FADE   
    Great and accurate observations from the two people above.
    I have taken note of this myself; both that these bands get instant, albeit not particularly sizeable fanbases upon formation without even having released music or even previous band history of the members. If one goes to the facebook pages of these bands you are quick to find out that these are not the people that for example frequent this very forum here, but instead they're almost their own strange breed that is relatively distant from all the happenings in Japanese visual kei. It is true that there are people who cross over and are more in the know, however they remain a minority in a very odd community where even the more universal bands like X and Gazette make far seldom make appearances in their tastes as of those of the people here. The fans present on the social media pages of these nordic groups are moar likely to be into various emo bollocks than whatever just made it into the indie Oricon charts last week. in Tumblr I have not once seen people spamming material from both continents, ever. 
    Yet despite all this, these bands appear and disappear very fast making very little impact spite inexplicably amassing a considerable amount of facebook likes and youtube views. The fact of the matter is that these bands are the shite playing at the youth center near you and they fail to capitalise on their dubious popularity of a mysterious origin, and end up meeting the same fate that by and large every other "local" band does. The future of visual kei, is not Stockholm nor Helsinki, not the least because here we lack a certain VISUAL KEI infrastructure that allows many bands to last longer and gain more monertary capital backing them that exists in Japan. Being familiar with the circles here, I can say with total confidence that these bands exist almost completely separate of "us", and the weeaboo of the mid 2000's fad are a dying breed, sentenced to death with no possibility to make an appeal, and this is the carcass of the local scene taking its last breaths before it rots away on the pavement. If one of these bands takes off, Japanese visual kei doesn't benefit from it the slightest. Yohio is popular as fuck in Sweden, but where are the Japanese bands touring there? The record sales? Nowhere, that's where. 
    It's worth noting that Yohio is the only western visual kei band to have ever had a physical release and we all know that was not because we worked his way up the ranks, gathering an organically grown fanbase along the way. He got into Eurovision and broke through with the kids, now working to establish himself there through various different projects.
    He obviously flopped in Japan since he has pretty much completely ceased to promote there, has he not? His first solo LP got a release there but the second didn't as far as I know. I would have done the same, and it appears that he has managed to make himself a name in Sweden which is commendable. As a side note according to hear-say this project is the result of him not particularly caring for the fact that his fanbase is at least 3 years short of their first pubic hairs, and therefore this is him really expressing himself without giving a toss, if you will. 
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    Ada Suilen reacted to yakihiko in PLASTICZOOMS new item "PROJECT DIE KUSSE No.07 "TWO GATES" BOX" release   
    OMG, they just give a preview for "Time in the cellar"

    I really need this ! <3
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