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Everything posted by shiroihana

  1. shiroihana

    I never understood audiophiles, which is very funny considering how expensive and high end my audio equipment is. I guess it's just the people who feel the need to listen to all their music in 320kbps or flac while wearing cheap 10 dollar iphone earbuds.
  2. shiroihana

    Ah lol I figured that's what you were talking about. I have to be in a very particular mood to enjoy songs like that honestly lol That songs reminds me of this.
  3. shiroihana

    I'd love an example to know what you're talking about. As for myself I don't like synthetic vocal filters and synthetic or computer generator instruments and sounds in my music most of the time unless it's really really fitting. That's part of the reason I don't care for a lot of today's visual kei music as opposed to the mid 2000s which is what I started with.
  4. shiroihana

    Shinrin-Yoku which means forest bathing. Pretty beautiful, it's therapeutic. The medicine of simply being in the forest. Shinrin-yoku is a term that means "taking in the forest atmosphere" or "forest bathing." It was developed in Japan during the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine.
  5. shiroihana

    everyone should have bangs imo
  6. shiroihana

    bangs are life.
  7. shiroihana

    itsukoii and hiroki both super cute
  8. Japanese people aren't perfect physically. While Japanese features can be very alluring or distinct there are still many Japanese who aren't viewed as conventionally attractive same applies to every other group of people. I do like their skin complexion, hair texture, and distinct facial features but genetic variability exists within every race of people. Living conditions in Japan are much rougher than where I live, and that's not factoring in the language and racial barrier. If you love Japan enough to work hard and ignore any social barriers then I could see why one would wish to look Japanese in order to easily assimilate and blend in with the natives. It's probably more feasible to wish to be fluent in Japanese not to actually be Japanese lol
  9. shiroihana

    talented as fuck band ^^
  10. where are u

    1. Zeus


       she's around just super busy

    2. shiroihana


      cool glad to know

  11. shiroihana

    Amy has a distinct and polarizing sense of humor, just like many comedians. I don't find this ad funny but I don't find it unfunny either; it just is.
  12. shiroihana

    Darkness of the mind by Gaara
  13. shiroihana

    +5 Zac points for that Charmander mug. ^^
  14. shiroihana

    Hell yeah~ I know this might sound bad to some people but I've been in serious online relationships but not serious in-person relationships, but really I'm a tremendous introvert in the sense that I don't like to spend a lot of time with people in person outside of leisure time so yeah that's a large part of it - whereas online I can do shit on my own accord arbitrarily and the responsibility of commitment never arises. I've had people fall in love with me whom I liked but I never really wanted my relationships to evolve into something bigger because that's not how I roll, yet still petty drama and baseless arguments were a frequent enough phenomenon that over time the thought of being completely single seemed much more desirable. tl;dr I love being single but it's mostly because I don't actively pursue serious relationships (I prefer friendships) and I love me some alone time. I never understood why so many people feel an imperative need to be in a relationship either considering the way many if not most relationships deteriorate over time. I've seen so many heartbroken people who could barely even recover from a broken relationship so I wonder why it's so urgent to be in one considering what is very likely to end up happening.
  15. shiroihana

    Yeah I mean that's definitely the bigger picture here. The super indie bands I like that many people would consider total shit were never popular to begin with lol The only thing about vk that's dying is the old style, but that's only to be anticipated as scenes evolve thru time.
  16. shiroihana

    Gloves are pretty important. I really hate this weather too; it's way too cold and there's so much snow. I just wish I could go out wearing a ski or face mask without looking like a criminal or a ninja. Atreides knows what's up.
  17. :D

    1. togz
    2. shiroihana


      idk tbh

    3. togz



  18. Can't wait! Make sure to let me know!
  19. shiroihana

    I love almost everyone I met on MH, you all seem like pretty awesome people. However if I had to choose favorites (Which I really don't wanna do) I'd have to go with Biopanda for one. He has done so much for the scene with rarezhut and has been a really cool and fun person to talk to ever since I've known him over the past half decade and I respect the hell out of him. I'd also go with Atreides particularly for being my most recent close friend here and he's also a very chill person who will talk to you for hours nonstop and about anything you could imagine, but yeah everyone for the most part seems pretty cool really. Great community.
  20. shiroihana

    A hot person from Germany.
  21. shiroihana

    9.5/10 W1CK3D
  22. shiroihana

    It's not about visual kei dying so much as people (particularly foreigners in this instance) losing interest in visual kei, or being less frequently exposed to visual kei due to less interest from others, less resources, whatever. Cool blog tho.
  23. shiroihana

  24. shiroihana

    Oh man, vkdb was my thing before the editors stopped editing it regularly. It's strange how few of today's newer bands are featured on that site relative to the mid 2000s. I don't know how to contribute to this thread since most of my thoughts have already been said.. I learned about visual kei through a friend on Youtube and got really invested into the music mostly through watching Youtube related videos, and later through last.fm (RIP Last.fm) around 2008 but got really involved in 2009. It seemed like some of the most recognizable visual kei bands were really going strong back then, bands like diru (not technically vk but arbiters of the scene), d'espa, gazette, rentrer en soi, sadie, nega, deluhi, matenrou opera, -Oz-, D, UnsraW, versailles, girugamesh, LMC, merry, an cafe, alice nine, and many other bands that really seemed to stick out more to people... Hell I remember when visual kei bands were getting millions of hits back then within such short periods of time on Youtube and I don't even know what happened. Now I look at visual kei and I can see people getting into these relatively newer bands like MEJIBRAY, but these bands just don't have the same mystique that the old bands had. It also seems to me that VK is losing its distinct marketability and becoming more akin to things like Kpop (Pretty boys performing dynamic popular music) . I dunno I could be bloviating here but those are just a few thoughts.
  25. You sound like you have a lot of range and I'd love to hear you sing! Anyways I think Kyo's head /mixed voice is the most impressive thing about him other than I guess his much improved growling technique over the years. For someone like me to pull of Saku it'd be purely from intensity and I'd have to be incredibly lucky just to even pull it off without going off key or my voice cracking. I'm pretty sure my vocal range is only 2 octaves since I haven't sung scales or w/e to help improve my range so for someone like me or any average singer Saku is definitely a very difficult song to sing. Kyo's a guy who tries out new things regularly, and sometimes he will down right sound silly because of it, but that's what happens when you have the amount of passion and love for music Kyo has - he's an innovator through and through. I remember the early years where he would never have attempted a quarter of the things he has done half a decade later in his career, so pretty cool beans.
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