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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    SATSUI SATSUI SATSUI SATSUI DA DOUUUUUUU, I like this song...makes me want to flail like crazy. Gg DEZERT you've finally won me over.
  2. Aferni

  3. Aferni

    I know this sounds CRAZY but, maybe he is turning into a person of faith himself......with the "Gott Ist Da" thing. A Theory but yea, to me it seems so, since he's changing alot..in my opinion. Although that one fight he got into with that Islam chick on twitter. Yikes. Either way he changes im behind him a full 100% of the way, Akane Ist Leben.
  4. Aferni

    Grieva.......is that you..?
  5. Looking at how this arc's aim was you could tell that they would end it like that, with the whole Naruto Vs Sasuke thing. Looking back on what naruto said a while back to sasuke, "I'll bear the burden of your hate and we'll die together". I kinda knew they would fight....everybody did. Naruto just needs to end this and come out as the winner, it's gonna end without either of them dying because of that cannon movie coming up, Naruto:The Last.
  6. Sasuke just needs to die off already, naruto just needs to go ahead and throw his friendship with sasuke to the wind. Sasuke doesnt care about naruto in the least bit.
  7. Aferni

    I cant wait for the re-recording of this single, and also i cannot wait for more releases by Gossip. 5/5
  8. Aferni

    Seems interesting
  9. Aferni

    A Human, because human's are animals >.> If you had a choice between having the best guitar skills in the world or being able to fix anything, like literally anything which would you choose?
  10. 吊ルス吊ルス…アナタ… 部屋ノ隅ニ飾ルワ 廻ル廻ル…躰… グるリぐルり廻レ 最後ノ夜… [Psycho脳]Dinner 幸セ…ラララ… 見下ロシテル アナタガ笑ウ 楽シイネ デモ…何故デショウ…? アタシ泣イテル… 狂ウ狂ウ…アタシ… 部屋ノ隅ニ飾ロウ 廻ル廻ル…記憶… グるリぐルり廻レ 最後ノ夜… [Psycho脳]Dinner 幸セ…ラララ… 見下ロシテル アナタガ笑ウ 楽シイネ 二人キリノ晩餐会 最期ネ…之デ… 身体ノ無イ アナタガ笑ウ 幸セネ デモ…何故デショウ…? アタシ泣イテル…
  11. 貴女ノ唇ニ接吻ヲ 貴女ノ体内ニ接吻ヲ 貴女ノ細胞ニ接吻ヲ 理性ト感情ノ相克ノベーゼ 貴女ガ美シスギテ 枯レテシマウノガ嫌デ デモ失イタクナクテ 壊レナイヨウニ殺メヨウ ネェ…マリア… ネェ…マリア… 永久ノ美デイテ欲シイ 腐リ朽チヌヨウ ホルマリンヘ オ入リ 届イテイマスカ? 貴女ヘノ愛ガ マリア… ネェ…マリア… 愛シテル愛シテル ネェ…マリア… 回リ回ル感情ト 巡リ巡リ理性トガ ドロドロト混ザリアッタ 最後ノ接吻ヲ貴女ヘ… ネェ…マリア… ネェ…マリア… 永久ノ美デイテ欲シイ 腐リ朽チヌヨウ ホルマリンヘ オ入リ 届イテイマスカ? 貴女ヘノ愛ガ マリア… ネェ…マリア… 愛シテル愛シテル ネェ…マリア…
  12. 苦しみに堕ちていく貴女を殺めました もうこれ以上貴女が壊れてしまわぬように 崩れ落ちる心は侵食を止められず 増えていく傷痕と錠剤にすがり付く 首筋に突き立てたこの愛情に 貴女だけは気付いてくれたのでしょう? 朽ちゆくその躰に 接吻してサヨナラ。 抉り出したこの児も ほら笑ってるよ 鏡に写る僕は血みどろで 全てが満ち足りたように 笑ってた 壊れている貴女と 狂っている僕には 普通じゃない最期が必要なんだ 朽ちゆくその躰に 接吻てサヨナラ。 抉り出したこの児も ほら笑ってるよ
  13. Aferni

    眠る貴女にそっと接吻 暗く冷たい部屋の中で。 誰も貴女に近づかぬように 鍵と鎖で縛りました Deep dawn Psycho player もう大丈夫、僕が貴女を 此処で永久に守ってあげる だからそんな目で僕を見ないで 2人 手を取り生きていこう 今宵、満ちる月灯りに 映る影は乱れ咲く 叫ぶ声が美しくて 鮮やかな紅で染めた Dark and cold room... 声を殺し耳を塞ぐ 姿さえも愛しくて 歪む愛を押し付けては 流れ込む快楽が… 愛したはずの貴女はもう 変わり果ててしまったね 白目むいた貴女を観て 満ち足りた胸の中 嗚呼、気付けばもう壊れて朽ちていた…
  14. Aferni

    This album has succeeded disappointing me heavily. I thought this might at least be average, compared to what the have thrown around in the past. There are only half two half decent tracks, Gesshoku, and Dead End. Everything else is just despicable, when i started listening to "MODE OF GANGSTA" whatever the fuck that means, anyways. It made me honestly cringe and my face wrinkled because of the garbage sound that slammed against my ear drums. It was the type of face that you'd make if someone cut a huge fart and walked away and left so you could bask in the rotten smell of their gastric release. Sadie is that guy, and GANGSTA is that fart. They did it, and walked away....they didn't even excuse themselves....they let out a massive fart and walked away. This album is like listening to a very long car accident, a very very long accident. Followed by loads of incomprehensible engrish, Mao cant even do engrish right. Along with his vocals.....sounds like he has a ball gag in his throat, not on his mouth. I literally mean in his throat. His screams sound like he's heavily forcing it, like in gesshoku it sounds like he's saying " I SLEEP FOR YOUR PUSSY" instead of "I'm sick for you about them.". He sounds constipated. This album gets a 1, not a 1.0 or 1.9 a solid 1. Mao, get out your so called "MODE OF GANGSTA" and get your shit together.
  15. Aferni

    D.I.D. - Paranoid Personality (All Types) AvelCain - Natsu No Owari THE BLACK SWAN - THE HOPELESS (Type Cho) (PRE ORDER)
  16. Aferni

    It's just plain poo now. ;-; I don't like the gurgling and the re master in general. The new version sounds horrible. Imo of course...
  17. Aferni

    They ruined Pathological NeoHysteria.....
  18. Someone who I can relate too, Mejibray has fallen far from what they used to be. This single kind of disappointed me, just like RAVEN. The only single's i feel they put any REAL emotion into were, Sadisgate and Shuuei. I feel HATE is one of their worst songs, its repetitive chorus and growls are annoying. It's like a loop, if anything Mejibray needs to stop and think.......In my opinion they sort of lack originality. Want to see what I mean..? Listen to Toon Factory's - Squall and tell me what that sounds like..
  19. Aferni

    造られた正常 守る為の代償 「だから捨てましょう?」 「ハイ。」 解ってます解ってます 小さな虫はココで潰しましょう 解ってます解ってます 「全てを想う欲」なんて元も子もない 「お前は今ココで死ね」 優先される効率性 知りたくなんてなかった -叶わない- 殺されるべくして 皆、殺されていく 何の意味があるかなんて 解らないけれど 用意された痛みが 必要なモノならば 今の僕にさよなら 囚われた正常 逃げる為の代償 「だから捨てましょう!」 「ゴメンナサイ。」 殺されるべくして 皆、殺されていく 綺麗な言葉だけじゃ 何も変わらないけど 目を伏せた痛みに 応えられるのなら 今の僕にさよなら
  20. Aferni

    見つめる視線の先には 今日の品定め アレコレ恥じらう事もない さぁ、はじめましょう。 涎る口元の火照りごと 舐めとってあげる 指咥え観てるだけなんて 残さず頂戴 奥の奥まで 欲しがれよ本能 曝け出せ衝動 誤魔化せやしない 渇いた夜に 「もし残されるなら ただの使い捨て」 満たされない満たされない 鼓膜に響く程に強く欲しい 満たされない満たされない 赤く滲む程 跡を残して 首に縄を付ける様な 状況の中で気付く もはや抑えられぬ程 この時間が愛おしい
  21. Aferni

    "He who trusts not, is not deceived." "It may or may not be true." This world was never worthy. How came it to be so? 「Stop dancing on our grave anymore!!」 落ちてゆく。 ただ漠然と真っ白な未来の先 例えるなら終わり、呼吸を止める最期。 眠りにつく墓穴を 自らのその腕で掘り続ける -死に様ごと刻まれるモニュメント- 「こんなはずじゃなかった。」 夢を見過ぎたせいで 嗚呼、深みに嵌まってく 片足は疾うに埋れて こんなモノだと気付く 嘲笑えこの世界 嗚呼、深みに嵌まってく そんなモノでしょう? 落ちていく。 ただ漠然と真っ白な未来の中 何度でも訪れるはじまりの時 ぶつかっては思い知る 無様なその姿こそ 刻まれてく 生き様ごと -映したその瞳に- 「こんなはずじゃなかった。」 夢を見過ぎたせいで 嗚呼、深みに嵌まってく 片足は疾うに埋れて こんなモノだと気付く 嘲笑えこの世界 嗚呼、深みに嵌まってく 足掻けば足掻く程。 そんなモノでしょう。
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