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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

    Very surprised that they're going on a hiatus. I hope Asagi gets better. What I got from the internet about his disorder: The Internet can be really helpful, y'know.
  2. hitsuji-hime

    Dang. Your friend is quite greedy... Jk, I really hope he like, posts a download link or something xD
  3. hitsuji-hime

    Liking college so far; I just don't like the fact that I have to do over 9000 assignments online ;A;
  4. hitsuji-hime

    Bloom 06 - Jenny
  5. hitsuji-hime

  6. hitsuji-hime

    This new track sounds a lot better than everything else they've done recently...but I don't have hope for the rest of the album. :/
  7. hitsuji-hime

  8. hitsuji-hime

    Malice Mizer
  9. hitsuji-hime

    Jesus fuck, I already have a fuckton things to do for my classes and it's only the first day.
  10. hitsuji-hime

    Klein Kaiser
  11. hitsuji-hime

  12. hitsuji-hime

    Plastic Tree - Joumyaku
  13. hitsuji-hime

    Gawd, I knew this guy was a total dick; I could tell from just looking at the smug expression he always has on his face. Oh, and I also did hear about the kicking thing or whatever. Why does he still have fans?
  14. hitsuji-hime

    Dir en grey Malice Mizer girugamesh ANUBIS RENTRER EN SOI Jupiter Buck-Tick Deadman RIBBON Matenrou D'espairsRay
  15. hitsuji-hime

    Woah, woah, woah....Golden Bomber aren't major?! Mind-blown... But yeah, from what I've seen, major labels suck out the band's original concept. Like a lot of bands that first started out as visual kei are now normal rock, or sometimes pop bands, since signing into a major label. (for example, bands like Merry and Dir en Grey stopped wearing makeup; Exist Trace used to be a gothic metal band, but are now a pop rock band) Maybe these bands who wanna stay indie also want to stay visual too, and stay true to their music.
  16. hitsuji-hime

    I kinda have a good feeling about my classes...except college algebra of course. *gulps*
  17. hitsuji-hime

    Mm, probably. I'd like to travel, and Antarctica is one of the most interesting places I've seen. Sure it's cold, but it's worth learning about. Are you a political person?
  18. hitsuji-hime

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the
  19. hitsuji-hime

    Yeah, I guess I'll revert to cannibalism in order to survive. Especially to eat out some girls. Are you excited about the new school year (obviously not, but are you excited about what'll happen later on?)?
  20. hitsuji-hime

    My point exactly.
  21. hitsuji-hime

    Dir en grey Malice Mizer girugamesh Fatima ANUBIS RENTRER EN SOI Jupiter Kisaki Project Buck-Tick Deadman RIBBON
  22. hitsuji-hime

    Eve of Destiny
  23. hitsuji-hime

    I don't see them getting very far...but you just never know~
  24. Great news! Was worried about him for a while, even though I'm not a fan of this band.
  25. hitsuji-hime

    Saw this coming~ I'll give them one more year. If they make it past that, I'd shit my pants.
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