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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

  2. hitsuji-hime

    GODDAMMIT I'M RICH!! ♥♥♥ Take that you motherfuckers!!
  3. hitsuji-hime

    Probably because they were losing members left and right (even their new guitarist stayed for only TWO MONTHS and then he got married), they barely released anything, they never updated their fucking homepage, and/or, their music is really bad.
  4. hitsuji-hime

    Amr Diab - Ala Eh
  5. hitsuji-hime

    Why are all the big, older bands taking a hiatus?? D: This is bad...
  6. hitsuji-hime

    jesus fuck christ /thread
  7. hitsuji-hime

    It's Yushi, not "Yoichi" The band's name is Lin -the end of corruption world-. And like Rocketeer said, they've already done a lot of shit together; after all, they've been together since March. Sooo...it's been a while. Plus, keep watch of their new mini-album coming on Christmas
  8. hitsuji-hime

    Sounds nice, but awful PV D:
  9. ^ It says it right on the first post...
  10. hitsuji-hime

    Good good, a much needed change, lmao.
  11. hitsuji-hime

    I got paid early! Hell yes~*~*~
  12. Huh...that's interesting. kinda angry that this isn't one of those medical-kei bands now
  13. hitsuji-hime

    HA! Called it~
  14. hitsuji-hime

    Just lookin' back at the Megaromania tag on Tumblr, and I almost forgot how much of a gorgeous crossdresser Sui is. ♥
  15. hitsuji-hime

    Eternal sounds amazing; To Heart just sounds bland, all the tracks sound the same.
  16. They sound fantastic!! However, the name has GOT to go! D:
  17. Damn, that's a shame...wish them luck in finding a replacement.
  18. hitsuji-hime

    After effect
  19. hitsuji-hime

    "Protected by police" What a dramatic way to go.
  20. Bought CDs from CDJapan so far....need to try out other places, but I'm paranoid.
  21. hitsuji-hime

    A lot of people like to say that jazz is nothing but elevator music. I'd like to be in the elevator more often then even though I've never actually heard music in an elevator.
  22. hitsuji-hime

    KagomeP - Chilly Boy
  23. Le sigh...Gara made another private entry on his blog. I wish I wasn't so nosy.

    1. Tetora


      I visited Tojosan's grave today on the anniversary of his death. It was good to visit. Coming again.

      And he posted the picture of the turtle house again.

    2. hitsuji-hime


      Awww, another Tojosan entry. :( I do hope Gara is doing well.

      Thank you so much! ♥

  24. hitsuji-hime

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