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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Fuck this mentality, it seriously needs to go away. This isn't personally directed at you slsr, so don't think I'm being all rah rah rah at you okay? It just frustrates me personally though because this mentality is just so prevalent among so many people that don't actually create and make things on their own. It's that whole idea that because it's easy to rip and share something or someone is doing something they love it should then just be free? Why? Why do people think that is okay? You see this among writers, illustrators, graphic designers, web developers and so on. Just because someone spent all their time creating a mock website for some shit tier home business. The designer should just expect all that work to be free because it's so easy to just hit ctrl A and ctrl C on all their code and graphics? Someone that spent weeks working on illustrations for some shitty web app game that will never go anywhere should expect not to be paid because it's easy to just ctrl c on all their files? Then you hear, oh well you're doing what you love so just be happy people even want to use your work. What the hell? Why is that okay? I like writing shitty broken SQL statements all day at my day job, so just because I like doing that I should then work for free right? No of course not and artists whether they're a web designer or a writer or a musician should be paid for the work they do. Regardless of how easily shareable it is. I know that most artist get more bang for their buck by touring and selling merch. Yet it's so short sighted to think that not buying something doesn't help the artist or the greedy evil label eats it up. It helps keep that "scene" afloat by helping producers and labels keep their artists funded and to produce more new artist. **edit** Quick edit but I do agree labels and distributors should get with it already and deal with it. Not so much that they should just give away their music and product for free but make it more globally accessible. That old notion of staggering releases in different markets is the most backward ass thing imaginable. Avatar was heavily pirated as soon as it was released in North America and can you guess what areas pirated it the most? The places that had to wait a week or more for it to release locally. I understand it's not sustainable to release physical CDs, merch, toys and other items in markets that won't sell. Yet restricting digital sells?? Even though I have a Japanese Amazon account, I can't buy digital music from their website simply because I am not in Japan. What the hell I am trying to give you money? Why are you stopping me? I don't understand that notion at all. So like anyone else, if I really want that release I'll find a way to get it and it may not be the most legal way of doing it too!
  3. 1 point
    Czecho No Republic new album "NEVERLAND" will be released at 2013/10/30 (2,940yen) [track list] 01.ネバーランド 02.MUSIC 03.Call Her 04.レインボー 05.Don't Cry, Forest Boy 06.1人のワルツ 07.トリッパー 08.絵本の庭 09.幽霊船 10.ダイナソー 11.国境 12.ショートバケーション 13.エターナル
  4. 1 point

    Capella new maxi single release

    it is announced at Capella one-man live "look for clues-星霜と夜明け(seisou to yoake)-" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2013/08/29 that their new maxi single (title not yet finalized) will be released in late 2014/03, although details have not yet been announced btw they will hold their presents live "小さな幸せ、小さな希望(chiisana shiawase chiisana kibou)" at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2013/11/13, their presents live "前衛的幸福獲得主義(zeneiteki koufuku kakutoku shugi)" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2014/01/30 and their one-man live "僕と君の世界平和(boku to kimi no sekaiheiwa)" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2014/03/22 SET-LIST at 2013/08/29: 01.The beginning memories 02.Fate. 03.わすればな 04.スイデリ~甘美な妄想~ 05.crossing life 06.stars room iden. 07.カフカ 08.灰空 09.誘凪エスコート 10.‘£оνё’~所謂歪んだ愛情表現~ 11.分岐ミス 12.極上閉鎖空間 13.エレクトロリンクス 14.ココロケイト 15.極彩の猫 EN1 01.未来通信簿 02.around the new world. EN2 01.child's heart
  5. 1 point


    01. ABZU (SE) 02. PANDEMIC 03. LAST RELAPSE 04. DOMESTIC CRISIS 05. EMPTY GLASS 06. DISASTER 07. SPHERE 08. Aster 09. UNBREAKABLE 10. Obligation 11. Lost Memory 12. Reverence 13. Bury Me 14. PLEASE OF TORTURE 15. A DAY TO RE:MEMBER
  6. 1 point

    Royz - EGOIST

    EGOIST PARADOX ~Pierce to Rouge~ Yuuzukiyo, awai yume @bnormality EGOIST - I think this is an amazing song and I'm so happy that they decided to compose something heavy after Tear drop. The intro reminds me of INNOCENCE and that's one of my favorite songs from them. Subaru's scream in the beginning is just the best thing ever. I really like how they incorporate English into their lyrics as well. The chorus, just like all songs by Royz, is catchy and just sounds awesome! PARADOX ~Pierce to Rouge~ - I like everything about this song except around the 1:17 mark. I feel like I'm spinning in a circle at a demon circus (whatever that means) and then to have the deep rapid screams. Even listening to it right now, I'm sitting here just like "Oh? Ok." I think this song would be a lot better if it left out that part... Anyways, the melody and the chorus are catchy which is what I love. The solo is great too! Yuuzukiyo, awai yume - It's a great ballad, but it's something you'd have to be in the mood for. I find myself skipping it a lot of the time and then there are times where I'm like "I need to listen to this omfg." Not horrible, but not my favorite song. @bnormality - This song might be my favorite off the single. It's so upbeat, and catchy and the chorus is just WOW. I think I've listened to this 502 times or so. My only complaint with this song is that it's just a little over 3 minutes long. I had the same problem with Alkaloid and Ms. Veronica but that's just me wishing such great songs weren't so short. Can't wait for their next single release.
  7. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    BLACK LINE will be on hiatus

    Lolz both plunklock and black line on hiatus. The curse of the EU tour.
  8. 1 point
    I think a decent portion of that could be alleviated by them embracing the digital age though. With as prevalent as itunes and other digital music venues are, they are sorely underused by the Japanese market(especially VK bands), and when they do, they specifically lock out their foreign audience from giving them money most of the time. I think many western acts have already figured out that digital is the way to go(at least parallel with physical-media releases) just because that is how most people listen to their music nowadays. Of course it wouldn't get rid of downloading(nothing ever will, no matter what they try), they might as well at least try an capitalize on some of that. Personally, if a release I'm interested in is available on the US itunes store, then I don't mind tossing a few dollars their way even if it's already been uploaded here. As for the main point of this thread, I think blogspots should be doing neither, honestly. I mean, 99% of VK blogspots serve absolutely NO purpose at all. I can make an exception for ones like Evil en Lucifer because they focused on posting old stuff and most, if not all, of their posts were original and not just reposts. The other blogs, however? All they do is steal possible users from here. There's absolutely nothing that people couldn't get just as easily by spending the 20 seconds and registering for an account here.
  9. 1 point

    Hello ! I'm an awkward potato

    Mejibray and Nocturnal Bloodlust fan! Sweet! Welcome!
  10. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Just found this picture from my old phone. : D It's me cosplaying as Hisui (Madeth Gray'll) and my boyfriend cosplaying as Kon (La'Mule). (We look super serious but actually we were cracking up all day.)
  11. 1 point

    Hello ! I'm an awkward potato

    Why hello there~ Welcome here
  12. 1 point
    Scarlet Obsidian

    Hello ! I'm an awkward potato

    Welcome to MH!! have fun in here!
  13. 1 point

    Hello ! I'm an awkward potato

    welcome. p.s. i like them fried.
  14. 1 point
    ex-Vasalla members session "ASYL" will perform at the FUZZ presents live "Engage with the Mind" at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2012/03/10 "ASYL" members: Vo.RYOJI Gt.舜(shun) (ex-Vasalla, now in the FUZZ, JILS) Gt.SIN (ex-WITH SEXY-->NEO-SADISM-->Vasalla-->Syndrome-->D) Ba.LEAYA (ex-Vasalla) Dr.K-suke (ex-Vasalla, now in グリム(GRIM)) http://ameblo.jp/shun-thefuzzbox/ related thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12780
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