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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/20 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
    Having obscure music tastes is a curse because it limits your dating pool (and I'm one of those people who can't connect with people who have vastly different music tastes) and it's like... why can't I just be like all the other girls and like P!ATD, Lil Peep, BTS and Ariana Grande? Why do I have to be into nobodies like Cuartet and DEViL KiTTY?
  2. 2 points
    its sad some people will never know the joy of hunting down and sorting through dozens of obscure releases from failed indies bands to finally find a single song you like..
  3. 1 point
    Happy birthday, @Triangle!! Hope you have an awesome day~ ❤️
  4. 1 point
    Happy birthday, Beatrice! I hope you enjoy your special day
  5. 0 points
    Wow... YouTube is now showing ads giving really misogynistic and downright rapey dating advice. If you get an ad for "the desire system", that's the one. Isn't it funny how content creators have to follow these super specific guidelines just to get advertising, but the ads can literally flat out go "How to control women's minds!" And just.... wow... Just watch this video
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