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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    [Lyrics] Grieva

    I just dropped by here, and saw that you'd like some lyrics scans from the new single: 甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。 悦楽的自虐妄想癖な僕の事情 毒-ドク- Wish This is the best I could do, I hope they are readable~ Thanks for the translations so far btw!
  2. 1 point

    [Lyrics] Grieva

    Sorry for my answer taking so long, I stopped following this thread XD But I'd be interested into kikei too (since 刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」has been translated). Maybe also 毒from the new single.
  3. 1 point
    Try girls or girly guys. They're hardly ever a bother. :'D
  4. 1 point

    [Lyrics] Grieva

    Their softer songs are really cute, aren't they? ww Although I'm normally not into ballads WISH is also my favorite from their new release. I don't need romaji or typed out lyrics to do a translation at all. However... I don't have my copy yet (and it might take some more time) so... I can only do it if somebody posts a photo or scan of the booklet. orz Otherwise I can also do something nice from their full length. I really like kikei.
  5. 1 point
    If they go the Lycaon route, I will kill something. Well, not literally, but I will flip some goddamn tables.
  6. 1 point
    Transgender who likes to identify as a woman, hence the "she" (if I remember correctly tho I might be wrong).
  7. 1 point
    Video announcement for their 2nd anniversary oneman and upcoming 3rd single "Rebellion" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayA95GWr3Iw
  8. 1 point
    i completely disagree. to admire someone and to be my most favorite, i have to like his personality.at least what he shows to the fans and what the lyrics say. and when i say personality i don't mean if he is friendly or asshole but mostly i mean his ideas.what he wants to show with his art. of course there are many songs and music that i listen without knowing anything about their musicians personality. but i don't admire them.i don't think of them as most favorite.maybe i 'll say he's got talend but nothing more. and to be honest i don't understand people who don't care at all about the personality of their fav band. i don't say to care about everything they listen but just their favorite. i think they are ignorant , if they say they admire or love someone without knowing his beliefs
  9. 1 point
    Being a Visual Kei band and defiling what the fathers of VK created by copying each others songs . This is the biggest crime , and if you ask me , every one that is guilty of this crime should get executed .
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