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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/13 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    When people say "generic", it's a less informed way of saying 'derivative'. Derivative art is something that draws heavily (and exclusively) on an already set style without doing anything to make it genuine / different. Consider Elvis Presley: great performer but he offered NOTHING new to the rock / blues genre in terms of technique, style, or innovation. We can all croon about how dreamy Elvis was, or how beautiful his voice was; but that's really it. Compare him to the Beatles who re-defined a genre. the GazettE are not Elvis Presley. What I mean by that is it's not like they've stuck to the same formula over and over again. Sure their guitar work can be incredibly dry and typical without the saving grace of Uruha's solos (Drop B, 1st and 2nd Frets. There's your GazettE song. Let's call it 'ANGRY SONG'); but they've at least taken the VK 'scene' and evolved in it with their own sound. 80's pop hooks, pop-punk, metal, and electronica all come together to make the GazettE's 'sound', which I will say is pretty unique vs. Elvis. the GazettE aren't derivative, they just rub people the wrong way. Personally I'm always shifting between thinking they're cool and thinking they're the lamest thing in the world; but that makes me even more excited for this new album: I want to see which GazettE shows up. The cool one, or the lame one.
  2. 3 points
    I was under the impression that they were widely regarded as symphonic power metal, leaning towards power metal later in their career as the symphonic parts were decreased as their career goes on. But that's what genres do. They give you a general idea of what to expect. Any band that sticks to their guns on the genre that they belong to aren't very interesting. He's experimented within the realm of Versailles some and that still didn't stop the torrent of criticism about how all of his music sounds the same. GLOWING BUTTERFLY, Dry Ice Scream and Judicial Noir are all pretty different sounding, yet they all sound very similar. It's Hizaki's style, not his influences, that makes everything sound the way it does.
  3. 2 points
    Lots of news for Jikkendai Marmot. In June they will be releasing an itunes-limited single titled "アールデコの手摺を離したら/ばらばら遊園地". Samples are available on their website now. At their next oneman on August 23rd (the third in the ロゼットの会 oneman series), they will be releasing a live DVD containing footage of their oneman on May 24th. Finally, they announced a 4th oneman set for November 30th at which they will be releasing their 3rd full album. Looks like quite an exciting and active year for this band!
  4. 1 point
    Aside from his days in Crack Brain, HIZAKI has pretty much grounded himself as a metal musician with this style he works with. His solo projects and the bands he has joined usually always had some variant of frilly metal riffs, solos and song structures. So I don't know why people expect anything else other than frilly HIZAKI metal from him? That's what he does and has always done for the majority of his musical career. Expecting him to do a kote kei song is silly when he's never really played that style of music. Now Teru I think really branches out and does neat things, all the songs he composed in Versailles were some of the coolest they had and stood out from the rest. I'd listen through an album and without looking at who composed what, it was easy to tell which one was a Teru song. I hope Teru composes more music in Jupiter because his songs always were a breath of fresh air after two or three HIZAKI/Kamijo songs.
  5. 1 point
    Like the both preview... hope it's soon on CDJapan for pre-order it ^^ Edit : CDJapan shop link : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=DTR-66
  6. 1 point
    You can try and provide me an example of a similar band based on themes and influences of aristocats, vampire, rose, undead, ann rice novels(mainly the characters and its own themes), light and darkness, french romance, prince and princesses, palaces, baroque,17th century society and in some instances christianity. They are Versailles period. Quite the contrary, I don't like plenty of power/melodic bands for their terrible vocals and concepts for their songs. I follow very few for these reason. I can only describe Versailles as Symphonic-heavy metal, I don't think they are fast enough to be power metal. I am not up to debate what sub-genre is what but simply stating Versailles is power metal is a gross understatement in what they bring to their music. Vocals depends on an individuals taste in music. You trying to state Kamijo has bad vocals to me doesn't mean shit. note: I don't consider growlers/screamo/cookie-monster vocals in the same category as Kamijo's style. They are very different and can only fit the metal they were intended for.
  7. 1 point
    桜井青(sakurai ao) band members: Vo.&Gt.桜井青(sakurai ao) (cali≠gari, LAB.THE BASEMENT, FIGURE'71) Gt.小山田憲生(oyamada kensei) (FIGURE'71) Ba.松島ティル(matsushima till) (LAB.THE BASEMENT, Divitron) Dr.ササブチヒロシ(sasabuchi hiroshi) (東京酒吐座(tokyo shoegazer)) Key.秦野猛行(hatano takeyuki) (ex-筋肉少女帯(kinnikushoujotai)(support)) Cho.やす(yasu) (アネモネ-anemone-, Ya-foo, FIGURE'71)
  8. 1 point
    I think you need to meet some power/melodic metal bands, Versailles never were different from any of them, except for the bad vocals and the romanticism thing.
  9. 1 point
    samples of "No Hate" "Star bubbles" could be listened to through YouTube since 2013/05/28
  10. 1 point

    Pets and animals

    Zeus loves to be pet. And he loves nachos.
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