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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Hello everyone!

    I'm not very good at writing introductions, but here we go! Hello everyone, I'm Kagura. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Belgium (Vlaanderen). I found this website through some other VK blogspots and since the community attracted me I signed up yesterday. My musical taste isn't very pinpointed, but you could say my favourite artists are LUNA SEA, Alice Nine, DEAD END (or just basically anything that has Morrie in it) and Buck-Tick. Other favourites include Kagrra, Plastic Tree, 凛として時雨 and 9GOATS BLACK OUT. I hope I'll enjoy my time here, and nice to meet you all!
  2. 1 point

    Hello everyone!

    Haha, we should! I've been into Kagrra, for a couple of years now, it was pretty hard for me to accept their disbandment back in the day. Love their work, though I prefer most of their indie stuff to their major releases.
  3. 1 point
    New la la larks song called さよならワルツ (Sayonara Waltz): I like it. A lot. And I don't even care it's basically sfp2 because I miss them like hell. (I wasn't sure where to post this by the way, but since I had already posted their other demo in the previous page a while ago...)
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