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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    9mm Parabellum Bullet new album "Dawning" will be released at 2013/06/26 (2 TYPE) limited edition (4,500yen) will include CD+DVD (including PVs), and regular edition (2,800yen) will include CD only [CD track list] 01.The Lightning 02.Grasshopper 03.Answer And Answer 04.Zero Gravity 05.シベリアンバード~涙の渡り鳥~ 06.Scarlet Shoes 07.コスモス 08.Wild West Mustang 09.Starlight 10.ハートに火をつけて(ALBUM ver.) 11.Caution!! 12.黒い森の旅人 13.The Silence [limited edition DVD track list] 01.The World 02.Discommunication 03.Termination 04.Supernova 05.Wanderland 06.Living Dying Message 07.Vampiregirl 08.Black Market Blues 09.Cold Edge 10.命ノゼンマイ 11.The Revolutionary 12.キャンドルの灯を 13.新しい光 14.カモメ 15.ハートに火をつけて 16.Answer And Answer 17.黒い森の旅人
  2. 1 point
    their one-man live tour "Valzer di amore e di tristezza〜愛と悲しみのワルツ(ai to kanashimi no waltz)〜" CM could be watched through YouTube since 2013/04/28 btw they will hold their 2-part one-man live "Return to -Merrow-" "-Juliet- di amore e di tristezza" at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2013/10/27
  3. 1 point
    "Answer And Answer" PV (short ver.) could be watched through YouTube since 2013/04/28
  4. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Now to complete the collection!
  5. 1 point

    The Ultimate Tag Thread

    No prob! If that works fine, you can put those 7,000 songs into the same folder, and then right click on the folder to edit with mp3tag from the context menu to remove ID3v1 at once. If you're not sure if ID3v2 tags are written in your files already, try those settings and select all the files and click on the "Save" button to save them all without editing anything. It will create ID3v2 tags. Now you will have ID3v1 and 2 together, you can simply remove the ID3v1 tags just by clicking on the "Remove Tag" button. However, be careful while doing this and CTRL+Z is your best friend as long as you don't close the program. The reason why you should use ID3v2.3 UTF-16 not 2.4 UTF-8 is because it's universally supported by most devices/applications while the latter can't be read by some programs (it will be something like "blank or untagged" files.)
  6. 1 point

    The Ultimate Tag Thread

    For me, I remove ID3v1 and use ID3v2.3 UTF-16 instead, and everything will be in Unicode on every computer that supports it (Windows XP and newer). fb2k reads ID3v1 (which doesn't support Unicode) before ID3v2, so this is why I should remove it. In addition, I use the field "ALBUMARTIST" for v.a. albums to tag something like オムニバス so that fb2k can group all the tracks together. And iPod users should set the field "COMPILATION" to 1 if the field "ALBUM ARTIST" exists. You can try these settings, and test on a messed up album just by clicking on the "Remove Tag" button. It will remove ID3v1 and APE if they exist while ID3v2 still remains.
  7. 1 point

    Biggest crimes in Japanese music

    Oh this, so much. I don't get how it can be so difficult to save up for a single CD, it's just a matter of priorities.
  8. 1 point

    Biggest crimes in Japanese music

    gackt having a solo career I can hate kisaki and his ways, but proportionally, the biological hazard of gakuto kamui is incomparable not to mention he spilled some of his talent on yohio and they've probably conceived a satan together and non-visual rock scene is not that obnoxious as far as I can tell
  9. 1 point
    I've been replaying the Mass Effect series for the millionth time, as well as enjoying the multiplayer in my downtime. About to tackle the Assassin's Creed series when I'm done.
  10. 1 point

    Dir en grey - THE UNRAVELING

    Ever since MOAB, there’s a been a divide in the diru fanbase between people who love the bands early material and despise everything they’ve done in the last couple of years. However, I have never been one of those people. I enjoy every album they put out and it’s great to see how much the band has matured as musicians. That being said, Unraveling is the first release I can say I’ve been disappointed by. For me this release was flawed from the start. I have no idea why the band decided to remake songs that were good/awesome to begin with. They put all this effort into redoing their songs and in the end none of them were as good as the originals. That’s not to say they are bad songs, but they don’t have the magic that the originals have. Sure, the songs have more layers, cool guitar work and superior sound production, but however more complex sounding and modern they are, they don’t live up to their former selves. Seriously, diru, if it ain’t broken don’t fix it. And it begs the question, why put all this time into remaking all these songs, when they could have just made a fresh batch? There are several issues that seem to plague the remakes. One of them is melody. In the bands attempt to reflect their current progressive metal style and their maturity as musicians, the more melodic aspects of the songs were lost. And for me, the melodic aspects of their old songs were pretty much the heart and soul of the music. Yes, in terms of music theory melody is there, but it no longer drives the songs. It makes a song like Bottom Of The Death Valley, a song I originally love, sound void and lifeless in a very bad way. Another issue is that band just seems to be trying too hard with these remakes. You’ve got kyo’s unnecessary vocal wails and unintelligible growls, way too much palm muting in the guitars ( again further stripping melody), and with all these added layers of guitars, vocals and instrumentation the songs lack atmosphere. Compare Macabre and it’s original counter part or even Kasumi. The only song I feel got close to the magic of the original was The Final. Everything else was fail. As a diru fan and guitar nerd I appreciate the effort and musicianship that went into the remakes, but they just don’t compare to the originals. And of course, I’m going to compare them to the originals because they are the standard those songs set. I feel the band would have been better off making original songs rather than remakes. The bad part about this is that now they’ll probably play the remake of these songs live rather the original versions. I always wanted to hear the orginal Kasumi and BOTD live, but I guess that won’t happen now. I really hope they stop with these remakes. Next they’ll mess up Cage. I give it a 7/10. Despite, not living up to standard, I can’t deny the musicianship and some of the interesting aspects that came out of the “re-imagining.”. However disappointing this was, it’s still a good release IMO. And on a side note, Shinya’s drumkit does sound a bit off. Some of the snare work and hi hats sound weird.
  11. 1 point
    Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch I really like this game , I have enjoyed story and all of it
  12. 1 point

    Primrose will perform

    SET-LIST at 2012/12/22: SE 01.-RAM- 02.木造病棟、三年目 03.光銅ゲシュタルト 04.モモイロイチゴ 05.絵本 06.白黒ラジオ EN1 01.モモイロイチゴ
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