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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    it is announced at yazzmad & E.T presents live "不可侵領域(fukashinryouiki)" at Ikebukuro CHOP at 2013/04/26 that yazzmad new album "picturesque" will be released at 2013/11/06 (10 songs, 3,150yen), which will be sold in advance at their one-man live "picturesque" at Ikebukuro CHOP at 2013/10/25
  2. 1 point
    新宿ゲバルト(shinjuku gewalt) new single "I/O" will be released at their live at Shinjuku LOFT at 2013/06/17 (1,000yen) [track list] 01.IML 02.OVL btw "OVL" is like "念仏(nenbutsu)" or "詩吟(shigin)" rather than a song...
  3. 1 point
    GalapagosS new mini album "Run Like Fury" will be released at 2013/07/03 (7 songs, 2,100yen)
  4. 1 point
    While I agree multi-type releases is freaking crap but keep in mind that the Japanese market is slightly different. Japanese fans tend to devote themselves to one band only, so while Western fans might be fans of several bands making multi-release campaigns impossible for them to keep up with. A Japanese fan may only listen to Kiryu so buying their 20 type single release isn't too hard on them because they only care about Kiryu. Also from what I understand, the multi-type release is a way to inflate sale numbers because Oricon charts don't differentiate between what types people buy. So now that fan that bought all 20 types of Kiryu's new CD pads onto that number that determines the single's ranking on the Oricon charts. No wonder Kiryu is so popular! Don't get me wrong though, I hate this multi-type release gimmick that labels do but realizing the two items above. It makes sense how it works in that scene. I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to live only stuff. It sucks but it's the best way for them to make the most money back to support themselves instead of losing bits and pieces to it from the distribution costs. I don't like it but I can see why bands do live onlys, get their devotees to come to the live but also not have to worry about losing anything from costs associated from nationwide distribution. Bringing up good old Wataru, what I found sickening were the fangirls blaming the victim. Their beautiful kawaii idol could never do something so horrible and obviously she deserved it. Who knows, maybe she was being an insufferable fangirl (just like them) that caused Wataru to snap and choke her but no one deserves to be attacked like that. It's okay though, 12012 is terrible anyway. The entitlement issues Western fans have. I think what frustrates me the most is the jerk offs that will whine about how they NEED the latest Kiryu release. You don't NEED it to live, you don't NEED it to eat or breath. If you need it that badly then do something about it, mow lawns, sort recycle from the trash, clean your neighbor's gutters or something. Screaming and crying how it's not fair someone else bought the CD and you can't listen to it is the most obnoxious crap. I'd go Wataru on a bitch the next time someone cries at me because I won't share with them something I bought. Juka's falsetto and being drama queen. Quit music forever but un-quite music and then quit again and quite some more but come back a month later.
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