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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    support Gt.渚月-nazuki- & Ba.濔眞-misana- have officially joined La'veil MizeriA at 2013/04/16, and they will commence formal activities at their presents live "Despair of Masquerade" at Shibuya REX at 2013/05/08 La'veil MizeriA members: Vo.祈狂-kikyo- (ex-サディスマリィ(sadies marry)) Gt.邪鬼-jaki- (ex-サディスマリィ(sadies marry)-->ブラックPIG(black PIG)(Vo.大輔(daisuke)) Gt.渚月-nazuki- (ex-赤◯BoyZ(akamaru BoyZ)-->安眠祈願(anminkigan)(舜/shun)) Ba.濔眞-misana- (ex-ルシア(lusia)-->STELLA...-->安眠祈願(anminkigan)(渉流/wataru)) http://l-mizeria.com/
  2. 2 points

    Seremedy to disband

  3. 1 point
    D.I.D. new maxi single "Paranoid Personality" will be released at 2013/10/02 (5 TYPE, 1,260yen, limited 500 each) [TYPE A track list] 01.I want to die 02.瓦解(gakai) 03.nihilism. 04.Paranoid Personality [TYPE B track list] 01.ANTI+CHRIST anthem 02.Good morning, MOTHER fxxker 03.THE LOST MY HANDS 04.Paranoid Personality [TYPE C track list] 01.Amaryllis 02.PROMINENCE inc. 03.the code number[13.] 04.Paranoid Personality [TYPE D track list] 01.LiLLY of the VaLLeY 02.blindness=MARIA 03.paradox 04.Paranoid Personality [TYPE E track list] 01.Merciless sorrow-666- 02.the time has come 03.infinite∞numbness 04.Paranoid Personality btw they will hold their one-man live tour "Paranoid Personality" at Imaike CLUB 3STAR at 2013/10/12, at Shinsaibashi CLAPPER at 2013/10/20, at Fukuoka DRUM SON at 2013/10/23 and at Shibuya O-West at 2013/11/01
  4. 1 point

    GRS's Artwork.

    Thanks Jigsaw ~ ♥ And here's a sculpture/nonfunctional pot I recently made
  5. 1 point

    Seremedy to disband

    "fakes" LOL I have so much to say about that statement but I'm too lazy to waste time right now, well, otakus irl.
  6. 1 point

    Sadie - 双刻の艶

    Madara is awesome (dat piano), 10/10, the rest are playing a bit too safe but still worth a listen from time to time! I would give this single a 8/10, not bad at all sadie! Still i dont forgive you for your last album that sucked...
  7. 1 point

    Non-Japanese Visual Bands

    I often wish there was something like a visual band scene in my city. Not fantastic musicians who look like they stepped from magazines, but just generally some people who enjoy playing and attending that kind of live show. I'm pretty sure that once something like that exists the music will evolve by itself, become interesting and more than just a cheap weeaboo-copy of the original. For almost any other genre things work like that naturally. When british punk became popular in the 70s suddenly fans all over the world formed bands who tried to be like the sex pistols or whoever and in the beginnig they were propably not as good. they played anyway because it was fun. Just v-rock is different and somehow that is really sad. There are lots of international fans and many of them idolize some bandguy, many dress up 'visual' and actually look good, many even play an instrument... but only very, very few people go and form a band or at least support others who do so. And that is because the fans themselves suddenly have unrealistic standards when it comes to judging bands from their own country. Why shouldn't they sing in whatever language they want? Of course it's best if you actually understand what you're singing and in the end you won't get popular when your lyrics suck but... I've often heard people cover songs from another country and it sounded really good. or cute/funny when it wasn't so good. Same about the styling. Non-japanese people can look just as cool in this type of make-up/costume if they find the right style and develop the skills. But most people (especially guys of course) need some time to learn these things. Especially when there is no established scene in their country and they just can't go and ask a friend, like japanese bandmen starting out propably can. And about the nickname.. who cares, really. Sorry for the rant but damn. Where is the love and peace in music when it comes to this fandom.
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