Be careful here. Hindsight is 20/20. it's easy to say that the visual music from the 90's is better than today's music because only the best of the best have survived over time. I can guarantee you that there are just as many crappy visual kei bands now as there were then - there was just no outlet to hear about them. Many of these crappy bands have been lost to time, and some of the good ones too. It only seems different because the Internet allows us to find out about virtually any band that forms within the last few months. We are now barraged with more information than ever before. It's not the scene that's changed, but just your perception of it.
And for the record, the whole "90's VK scene" was fraught with as many faux-goth bands then as the scene today is filled with metalcore bands that like electronic effects. It's a challenge to find good artists doing something different no matter what genre you listen to, no matter what time it comes from.