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Sayonara MH Party/Funeral

Event details

Since MH is closing down, plus the 'rona makes New Years Parties unsafe, I think I'm gonna spend (at least some of) the last day of this wretched year sending off MH the way it's meant to be; by playing sick tunes. 


If you've got some free time, then I'd love to see you drop into the Sayonara MH room on Beatsense on the 31st for just a little bit. This event is BYOB (Bring Your Own Bangers).

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1 hour ago, Ada Suilen said:

There is a specific time, to join? Asking since I want to join the party too ?

Yay, I'm glad to hear that you're gonna stop by! I just planned it for the 31st the whole day through so not really but I imagine we're all gonna hop on during evening/nighttime. I myself will be hopping on after work that day (5:00 PM Pacific time) [Like L.A time] and will try to bring along a few peeps I know with me 

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14 hours ago, Ada Suilen said:

There is a specific time, to join? Asking since I want to join the party too ?

I'll be on from 7/8pm BST if any other EU folks wanna join me

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I'll try to get on guys. I've been bedridden at home since Monday. ? Terribly ill. Does anyone know if the site is mobile friendly?

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53 minutes ago, Furik said:

I'll try to get on guys. I've been bedridden at home since Monday. ? Terribly ill. Does anyone know if the site is mobile friendly?

I tried it on IOS (ipad), you have to display the site as ‚desktop version‘. It is a bit laggy / nonfluent tho when you do things at the same time.

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