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Guest Magatsu

Calmando Qual - Negative Mustard

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Guest Magatsu

Calmando Qual
[Negative Mustard]
Release: July 6, 2011: on sale in stores
Label: Starwave Records
Distribution: Daiki Sound, Tainted Reality, CDbaby, Code 7
Price: 1,500yen (tax in)
Limit 1000 copies

01. 4:9
02. Nega x Nega x Nega
03. Jigoku chef
04. Itsuwari to Nikushimi no Hazamade (retake) (my favo song)

After 6 months we are finally able to listen to the new sound of Calmando Qual.
The guys did change their look into a more darker world. A world who old fans already know a new look for people who just did discover this band. A world changed back from Scary Horror look into a beautiful gothic alternative look!.

Hibiki’s hair look like even more like woman but we should say he has really beautiful hair! Woman can be jealous!! Just like a real rocker! Kenka has no strange pirate outfit anymore and no beard. He did remove his beard with a razor! (laugh) He really does looking years younger! Hot like before! Good looking!! Maya and Tak doesn’t really got a big change but they look both beautiful and hot too~~ Girls can get crazy about them and fangirl all day long!! (laugh)

The first song on this CD is an intro song who give us the taste of song 2: Negax NegaxNega.
This song is a mix of new and old music, But a little bit more like songs like Shadow(doors) and Undeadman (deadmans party). The 3rd song Jigoku Chef has a mix of new and old too. That song does me think of Blood Red Shoes(deadmans party) and “Smash them (FATHER -MOTHER)” and a few more songs of FATHER-MOTHER album. So it’s really a mix but it does sound more like DOORS and DEADMAN’S party then really something of the old time. Jigoku Chef is a more heavy song and really nice for your ears.

NegaxNegaxNega and Jigoku chef are both nice songs, but if you really love the old Calmando Qual from years back and if you not really liked the preview 2 singles you might won’t like it. But I would say just please don’t say fast.. It’s not nice. Please give it a try of 10x of listen to the songs. Before you will say if you love or hate it.

If you ask my opinion I say honest to you… the songs will rock after a few plays.
But It’s a pity that they didn’t make a song like the 4th song on this single!

The 4th song of this single is a retake of the old song Itsuwari to Nikushimi no Hazamde.
It’s a beautiful song! Really beautiful lyrics too!. This song even with this retake won’t never get boring at all. It’s so powerful! Sung with so many feelings! Beautiful! And this song make this single even more special!!

Because this piece is really difficult to love or maybe to dislike I would give you the option to listen to it and to let me know if you like it or if you don’t like it.Because I already know that lot of old Calmando Qual fans here might not really like it... so buy it and find out yourselve!

But do I like it…

Can I leave that open?

However the guys did do a great job!
This single does rock.
like the 2 other releases before played perfect it's just a matter of your own taste!

So come on, order your copy if you didn't bought one yet!

Thank you for reading.



My raiting:


Even if it's played perfect it's not a single who you listen behind your desk many times. It's more LIVE only Enjoy single.

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you sound like their PR company

also I thought we weren't allowed to review stuff that's not for ~general download~ or similar here?

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also I thought we weren't allowed to review stuff that's not for ~general download~ or similar here?

Yes and no.

You can review whatever it is you want to review in this forum because that's what it's here for. It's true purpose is to have people talk about releases that they have purchased so that others can look at the review and decide on whether or not it's worth purchasing money on (as we know it's the other way around but stick with me). The reason why we'd prefer it if it was restricted to items that are in the general download section is to prevent shitstorms over "rarez" that are reviewed here but aren't shared openly. As far as I'm concerned, if it's "obtainable within reasonable means" it's allowed to be reviewed here.

Obtainable within reasonable means: albums, singles, EP's sold in stores and available through shopping services like CDJapan and YesAsia, free digital downloads from band's OHP, anything that can be downloaded here

Not obtainable within reasonable means: out of stock demos that aren't uploaded to the internet, out of stock live-distributed releases that aren't uploaded to the internet, out of stock EP's that aren't uploaded to the internet, etc.

This single falls into the first category.

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Guest Magatsu
you sound like their PR company

laugh, that's true. Hibiki is very happy about it.

But, I'm also just a fan, who like to inform others what they can expect of this new single.

so that they don't get disappointed that the sound is still like DOORS and DEADMANS PARY.

(at least for the people who don't like the new sound)

except the last re-taken song. that song is just far more than perfect, it's so damn beautiful.

this single is just once again, a matter of your own taste.

even if I sound like a PR company.. that doesn't change a f*** thing.

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Guest Magatsu

... is there really nobody... who has a different meaning about this single?

Or are people who liked CQ so damn disappointed because of their last works [Doors & deadmans party]?

And I'm really wondering why this single hasn't been available for illegal download after it got available at hearJapan.

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Guest Magatsu

yeah but there past works always got shared here..

so why not now too?

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