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Cure Magazine will hold its first World Visual Festival on April 30

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Japanese Visual Kei and Styling Magazine, Cure Magazine, will be holding its first World Visual Festival on April 30th 2016 (Japan Time).


The festival will be welcoming a total of 30 bands including the best of the best Visual Kei bands in the recent days, including KIRYU whom recently successfully completed its show at Nippon Budokan, A9, MEJIBRAY, DIAURA, DaizyStripper, ARELQUIN, and DEZERT.


What makes this festival unique is that the Festival will be welcoming Visual Kei, Jrock influenced bands from around the world.
These bands includes, Lolita Dark from Los Angeles (Nameless), Phoenix Ash from San Fransisco (Nameless), Kerbera from Sweden, MEA from Indonesia, and MaleRose from Thailand.



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