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RAPES & ROSENFELD one-day revival

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RAPES & ROSENFELD will revive for one-day at event "Blade of Screaming" at Shinsaibashi club ALIVE at 2014/08/03, at which 凛(lin) will also perform

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Kisaki has been posting images of a flyer on FB and Twitter.







I have no clue why Lin is part of this, other than they are going to be playing at the other proto-vkei revival concert too. I mean, I guess they could play "A. Hitlor." 3 or 4 times to try to fit in, but does anyone else see something off about Sui at a neo-nazi concert?

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Rosenfeld? Fucking hell, man! This should get a proper DVD release. Brilliant band, and one of the best VK bands ever.





but does anyone else see something off about Sui at a neo-nazi concert?


Neo-nazi concert? What?  I don't know about Rapes, but Rosenfeld were never neo-nazis as far as I know. They, just like a billion other metal bands around the world at the time, used the swastikas and all that nazi stuff the same way the punks before them did. Just for the shock value. Nothing in it.

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I have no clue why Lin is part of this, other than they are going to be playing at the other proto-vkei revival concert too. I mean, I guess they could play "A. Hitlor." 3 or 4 times to try to fit in, but does anyone else see something off about Sui at a neo-nazi concert?


I think Kisaki plays a pretty big role in getting these guys to have a revival-show in the first place and he is friends with basically everyone pre-2000 VK, I mean... look at all these 90's VK bands he recently got to revive for Ayame's memorial and such, he has a great influence. And I don't see why Sui would be concerned about it. Nazisism isn't a thing in Japan as it is in Europe or the US so I don't think it'd bother him at all?

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Rosenfeld? Fucking hell, man! This should get a proper DVD release. Brilliant band, and one of the best VK bands ever.





Neo-nazi concert? What?  I don't know about Rapes, but Rosenfeld were never neo-nazis as far as I know. They, just like a billion other metal bands around the world at the time, used the swastikas and all that nazi stuff the same way the punks before them did. Just for the shock value. Nothing in it.

I thought Rosenfeld were one of the few bands that actually meant it, where as a bunch just kind of jumped on that bandwagon for the shock value in imagery, rather than lyrical content.

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I'm pretty sure it was for the shock value and aesthetic reasons, and each band tried to be more extreme than the previous one and took it another step in the more extreme direction. Heavy Metal Army, G.I.S.M., Mein Kampf, Rosenfeld, Rommel. Not only did it shock, but it also looked "badass". And all this was around the same time as Brazilian bands like Sepultura, Holocausto, Escola Alemã did the same, Atheist and others did it in America. I think Slayer was flirting a bit with it too, without being too sure. So yeah, I am pretty sure it was nothing more to it than this than that.



Off topic, but still: Lemmy of Motorhead had one of the largest nazi memorabilia collections in America, and thee's pictures of him with nazi uniform and all that around on the web. But for him it is all about the aesthetics, and nothing else.

And Jeff Hanneman of Slayer used to have a huge collection of nazi memorabilia.

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