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DANGER CRUE RECORDS compilation album "DEAD WEST VOL.1~西日本V BATTLE!~" release

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DANGER CRUE RECORDS compilation album "DEAD WEST VOL.1~西日本(nishinippon) V BATTLE!~" will be released at 2014/05/14 (2,160yen)


[track list]
01.Avenir Trigger / AL-アル-
02.Day break / AL-アル-
03.明日を変える今(ashita wo kaeru ima) / メビウス(mebius)
04.Shadow eyes / メビウス(mebius)
05.身ヲ知ル雨。(mi wo shiru ame) / メカクシ(mekakusi)
06.カルミア(kalmia) / メカクシ(mekakusi)
07.空想未来のスメ-他力本願編-(kuusoumirai no sume-tarikihonganpen-) / マイナス人生オーケストラ(minus jin-say orchestra)
08.復讐甲子園(fukushuu koushien) / マイナス人生オーケストラ(minus jin-say orchestra)
09.フェイク・アンダーグラウド(fake underground) / umbrella
10.東へ(higashi e) / umbrella



voting ticket will be provided at their live tour "DEAD WEST TOUR '14" and enclosed in that compilation album, and the band with the highest votes will release a new CD under DANGER CRUE RECORDS



it appears that there will be another compilation album for eastern Japan later

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Came in expecting a beastly album with DIV, UNiTE., Giru, Alsdead, D.I.D., MUCC, Ken, etc... lol.

But it is very cool that they are showcasing less known artists and building the industry as usual. I very much look forward to this.

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Came in expecting a beastly album with DIV, UNiTE., Giru, Alsdead, D.I.D., MUCC, Ken, etc... lol.


Exactly what I'm thinking when I see this thread title.

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Came in expecting a beastly album with DIV, UNiTE., Giru, Alsdead, D.I.D., MUCC, Ken, etc... lol.

But it is very cool that they are showcasing less known artists and building the industry as usual. I very much look forward to this.


But as the title says, West Japan. Tokyo is in the east, that's why most of the successful bands are based there.

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interim voting results:
1 - 124,670pt マイナス人生オーケストラ(minus jin-say orchestra)
2 - 93,590pt umbrella
3 - 40,080pt メビウス(mebius)
4 - 35,360pt メカクシ(mekakusi)
5 - 16,720pt AL-アル-

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That is cool.

Since they already planned this before D.I.D. unfortunately lost Akane, I wonder if this band has a better chance at a full time deal with DC, or if they will bring in both this band if successful, and another new band, or if D.I.D. members are kept on contract to find a new band. Many possibilities.

Now I look forward to the MJO album and the Eastern compilation.

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