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i didn´t really know where to ask except here, so....... maybe someone could suggest me a movie or two that´s actually creepy. i´d like something about ghosts, demons, possession, exorcism - that kinda stuff. thanks!! :)


A few that might please you, some are awfully obvious though so you might have seen them. Some older and some newer films, but I think all of them are genuinly creepy. But creepy for me might not mean creepy for you, but give 'em a try:


The Exorcist (1973)

Ringu (1998)

Ju-On: The Grudge (2000)

Blair Witch Project (1999)

Noroi (2005)

Alien (1979)

The House of the Devil (2009)

The Conjuring (2013)

À l'intérieur (2007)

Martyrs (2008)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Kairo (2001)

The Woman In Black (1989)

The Omen (1976)




A few film I find very creepy.

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Creep - A nice, kinda original horror film that is sniffing on the 8/10 for me. I'm jut not sure about a few elements. I feel like director/writer Patrick Brice expect his audience to be dumb as fuck and just pushes and pushe a certain element of the film onto you as if you aren't smart enough to understand what's going on by yourself, and it kinda takes away the greatness of the film.


We get it early on that Josef is a weird-as-fuck guy, but I just felt that they pushed it too hard to make him weird and it just gave it all away. I think they've should've kept Josef a bit more in the shadow because even if they toned him down, he would've still been somewhat off, weird and creepy. He's just too over the top, and that ruins it for me a bit.


Still enjoyable despite that, thouh. looking forward to the sequels.



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Honeymoon - A nice, bloody horror film by newcommer Leigh Janiak, with Rose "You know nothing, Jon Snow" Leslie and Harry Treadaway as a newly wedded couple. It's a skin-crawling, nightmarish and claustrophobic horror film with a decent performance by both leads and nice work by Janiak. It does reveal a bit too much a bit too soon and loses some of its effectivity because of that, but the mystery still kept me interested even though I knew a bit too early how it would end. But it was a cool, low-budget horror film.



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Grave Encounters 2 - I thought the first one was pretty good, but this was a god damn abomination. Where the first had a cool plot, good atmosphere and several likeable characters, this had nothing of that and was incredibly stupid from begining to end. There's simply nothing of value in this film at all. Absolute garbage!



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Below - This started out as a fairly decent submarine thriller, but it slowly turned towards horror and slowly got less and less interesting. There's a serious lack of suspense despite it trying, some awfully cheap scares and not one single likeable character. When you make a film like this, in the vein of Event Horizon, you need someone likeable so that you actually get drawn into the flick and care what happens to them. I didn't care for any in this film, and the lack of suspense just made it mediocre.


Mediocre film. Not awful, but it could've been so much better with a few different choices.



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Re-Animator - This film is hand down nothing short of brilliant. Perfectly paced with an ingenius balance between the funny and macabre. It's campy as fuck, but not in a way that makes you point finger and laugh at how bad it is, because this isn't bad at all. This is, in my eyes, geat filmmaking with a great lot, AMAZING special effects and a good cast with Jeffrey Combs as the obvious star. He does everything right in this film.


Splat, splat, splat! Amazing film!



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Kung Fu Cannibals - Oh shit, this film rocked. Superb trash cinema for people who enjoy that kind of films. Cheap, vulgar and silly in a way that I doubt any of you can imagine. It's got awful acting, poor martial arts (save the asian oen who looked like he could feature in something better than this), blood & gore and both tits 'n' ass. What more can you ask for in a film like this?


The plot is simple: some guys led by someone I believe is a german nazi who does his best to look like a fat Hitler kidnap beautiful chicks and sell them to stupid-as-fuck-looking cannibal monks who uses these girls to gain some amazing powers which I will not say anything about. You've got zombie ninja, samurai and shaolin monks fighting the good guys and it's all just beautiful. I mean, this is as amazing as it sounds. I am not kidding!


Favourite moment of the film is when a chubby nazi-biker with a drawn swaztika on his helmet attacks a pair who's going to get hot. Then some karate guy comes and when he kicks in that toilet door, man. Unbelieveable! Hilarious scene that gave me wet eyes. It was that funny.



Yeah, it's a beautiful so-bad-it's-absolutely-amazing type of film! Just take a look at this poster, read the tagline and tell me you're not dying to watch this martial arts action-horror film:






Gooooood damn!

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It's been a long time since we made any lists in this thread, so top 10 favourite horror comedies, people? Come with your list, and write what you like about the film if you bother. It's always more interesting if you add a few words to it.

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Considering all the great horror film you've seen I am sure you'll be more than capable of making a lovely top 10.


Santo vs. the Vampire Women - This is the second proper Santo film, and this is even better than the first one. It's sillier, cheesier and way more over the top than the first one, but that's how I like it. It is also mroe of a horror film than the first one. It brings nothing new to the screen, it just uses whatever lot is already used 5000 times, but I don't mind that.


Vampire women are awakened from a long sleep and set out to kidnap a girl, Diana Orloff, as she has the vampire's mark and must become the vampire queen's successor. You have sexy vampire women, male vampires using "deadly karate blows" (as Santo himself put it), Santo popping out from nowhere to save the day and mooe silliness. It's really stupid, but really fun. If you like campy horror films, then check this out. A must-have for fans of camp(ing! Høhøh!).


However, while the overall film is a huge ball of cheese, the cinematography in the sexy vampire womens mansion looks lovely. I get a total Mario Bava-feeling from those scenes. Very gothic and atmospheric. Brilliantly done!



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Alright, my memory was hazy so I skimmed through Wikipedia's entry of horror comedies to refresh my thoughts, but wow, some of the stuff they list there.... either my definition of a 'horror comedy' is too specific, or I've been wrong all my life (The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Society? American Psycho? You're Next? what???). Anyway, I narrowed it down to a TOP 7, with just the movies that are my favorite and those that I truly consider horror comedies.


7. Warm Bodies - A cute little flick with a twist on the zombie subgenre. Has some fun dialogue and characters. It was okay, tho far from perfect.


6. Feast - Actually, I'd lump the whole Feast trilogy here, no matter how much they degrade in quality as the sequels roll on. The first one is a witty and fast-paced creature horror with some excellent humor, and the second two are more like parodistic low-budget shockfests, but I'm somehow still charmed by them. Especially the 'baby scene' in movie-2, damn, how do they even make this shit up. xD So bad but good.


5. Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive) - I had a hard time picking this or Peter Jackson's other early horror venture Bad Taste, but this one's more iconic and has more 'color' to it, if that makes sense. Hilariously funny and gross, and just when you think they can't go any further, they up their game one notch. Fantastic stuff.


4. Evil Dead II - While I liked the first Evil Dead better for the actual horror factor, it's clear to me that this one's superior in comical elements, so there. Although you could imagine the other two movies here as well, they're cool but not exactly horror comedies imo (Army of Darkness is more of a fantasy-comedy kinda?).


3. Tucker & Dale vs. Evil - I almost split my sides laughing at this one, such a fun twist on the tried-and-true slasher subgenre. The main characters are amazing!! xD


2. What We Do in the Shadows - This has got to be one of the best-directed, funniest horror comedies of all time imo, and it's a mockumentary, and it's pretty new, so that's even more amazing. Brilliant characters all around, and very good utilization of their personalities and quirks. You can't go wrong with a mockumentary about bachelor vampire housemates.


1. Re-Animator - The one, the only, the classic. This is one of those rare instances where everything works from start to finish, from the story to the dialogues and characters and visuals. It has an atmosphere that is equal parts scary and funny, and Jeffrey Combs is one of my all-time favorites as Herbert West. That guy, damn (again, the perfect mixture of creepy and hilarious).



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I'd put both You're Next and The Rocky Horror Picture Sho into the horror comedy genre. You're Next, to me, is a back horror comedy.


This shit was hard. Made a list and just listed whatever films I dig, and ended up on 30. Then I decided ti get it down to 15. It's almost impossible. And aside from the first one it's all random. Can't rank them. They're all amazing.



1. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein

This is easily my favourite one. Classic Universal Monster film from 1948. What makes this so good to me, is how unique it was and still is compared to other horror comedies. It feels like they were making a proper horror film when Abbott and Costello turned up on the set by a mistake and just started acting like their usual self, while the film, aside from them, feels like a top notch classic Unveral Horror film with Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Jr. and Glenn Strange playing Count Dracula, The Wolf Man and Frankenstein's Monster just like they would've done in any of the films 14-18 years earlier.

2. Piranha

A film that came in the wake of Jaws and that parodies the excellent Jaws, and it's just as good as Jaws. A shocking thing to say, I now, but I honestly feel that this is just as good as Jaws. That's how good I think this film is. A perfect parody. Over the top silly, yet gruesome in its own way. Superb!

3. Tremors

A beatiful homage to the big monster flicks of the 50's with a lovely cast and even better humor. The special effects are first rate and the humour is spot on, and did I mentioned the lovely setting? Western horror comedy. Oh yeah! Hilarious film!

4. Ghostbusters

Do I really have to say aything about this film? Is it a horror comedy, though? Well, I think so. Borderline fantasy/horror, but that goes. Brilliant film. It's fun and witty, offers a shitload of stunning special effects and have a nice cast. There's also a nice horror-feeling to it all, without it tying to be scary, terrifying or anything like that. This film is pure fun!

5. Gremlins

Another Joe Dante film (directed Piranha as well). A cute, yet dark, twisted and funny horror-comedy with some of the coolest monsters ever made for film. It's fantastic, that's what it is.

6. Return of the Living Dead

Braineating zombies, stupid teens, a beyond great soundtrack with the likes of 45 Graves, The Cramps, Rocky Erickson, The Damned and The Flesh Eaters and a lovely lot with a fantastic mixture of the fun, silly and bisarre. What's not to like here? Amazing film!

7. An American Werewolf in London

Terifying and awfully funny in equal parts and with stunning make-up work and ingenius special effects. This film is just crazy good! John Landis' best film!

8. Evil Dead II

I can't really choose a favourite of the two first, but went for this for the same reason as Jiggy: it's not as serious as the first and not as over the top and silly as the third. It's somewhere inbetween. Insanely good special effects, hilarious slap-stick-gore and comedy in one hell of a fine mix. Bruce Campbell is a God among men, and his comedic timing is among the best ever. Jesus, he is good!

9. Braindead

This entire film is a parade of great special effects and make-up, and an orgy of  bad taste and splatter humour. What's not to like here?

10. Re-Animator

I'm not as big a fan as Jiggy, but this is a damn fine film. Just see Jiggy's #1 or my "review" a page or two back.

11. The Old Dark House

An underrated gem by James Whale, director of Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and The Invisible Man among others, starring none other than Boris Karloff. It's atmospheric and hilariously grim. this is a proper gem, guys. Make sure you check this out! I'll have a rewatch some time this weekend, and despite already seeing it a couple of times, I cannot wait to see it again.

12. Encounters of the Spooky Kind

At the time of its release this was simply one of the most unique horror films made for decades. This probably the first ever jiangshi film, a genre that would blend kung fu, horror and comedy. It's a genre that didn't last for more than 10-15 years, but during this short time we got some absolute classics within the genre. This is an early Sammo Hung-directed film from 1980, and he also stars in the leading role. And he performs both with heart, soul and magic. Fantastic, hilarious and at times almost creepy. Lovely and unique film.

13. Mr. Vampire

Another jiangshi film, this time directed by Ricky Lau, but produced by Sammo Hung, and the film that really brought the juangshi films out there. This film is ever as exciting, funny and good as Encounters of the Spooky Kind, but it's perhaps a bit better. However, I am a Sammo Hung fanboy and is probably a bit biased. Anyway, the film is much of the same as Encoutners of the Spooky Kind, but perfected in many ways. If you're new to the genre, this is the one that is recommended. Highly as well!

14. You're Next

Yep, I consider this a horror comedy and I consider it a masterpiece. It's intelligent, dark and very funny. Exciting as fuck and a film that'll keep you on the edge, but the black humour will make you lean back every now and then. Slightly original as well, if you ask me. A new twist to the genre. Lovely film!

15. Frankenweenie

Say whatever you want about Tim Burton and his precious style, esecially in recent years, but this film is magnificent. The animation is so good you'd think Ray Harryhausen had a hand in everything, the story is lovely and the characters are superb. It's not scary or anything as it is a children's horror film, but it's still damn good. Lots of lovely homages to classics, and all in all a really charming and lovely film. Oe of Tim Burton's best IMO.



There's so many films here I could easily have swapped for someone else, though. I had so many on my mind. Way too many. Heh.

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Some nice picks! How could I have forgotten Ghostbusters? :D I don't remember anything remotely comedic (or at least intentionally) in You're Next, but it was a really cool flick, so whatever. Also, you're making me realize that I still need some serious catching up to do, as always. xD


In other news: just watched The Mummy (1932) for the first time tonight. Was nice. I didn't expect to like it as much (I'm very very picky with old movies), but it had a good pace and length. And of course nice atmosphere & Boris Karloff!

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I have no idea how you could forget it. Maybe you just didn't think of it as a horror film, but more a fantasy film? I know plenty sees it as a fantasy film opposed to a horror film. I thought YOu're Next was hilarious at times. The humour was a bit "hidden", so to speak. Dark, bleak humour.


What catching up, boy? Any of the films you plan on seeing?


Also, some of the films that were very close to make it onto my list was:


Hausu, a really odd, surreal and bisarre Japanese horror film

Hold That Ghost, another Abbott & Costello flick. Awfully funny film.

The Cat and the Canary, both the one from 27 and the one from 39. Supreme films!

Young Frankenstein, lovely spoof of the 30's horror films, especially Universal Monsters and Frankenstein.

The Slumber Party Massacre, silly slasher comedy that toally rocks!


A few of the ones I was thiiiis close to adding. On another day several of these would've made the list.




Glad to hear you liked The Mummy. Fantastic film! I wear my The Mummy t-shirt with pride, and most of the kids I work with think it's cool as fuck.

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Hausu is a fucking wild ride from start to finish. Love that film.


I think the last ''horror'' movie I watched was Cold Fish by Shion Sono. It's the third film I've seen by this guy, after Himizu and Suicide Club (which were both pretty damn entertaining, though totally different in style and atmosphere) and just like the previous two, this one also goes for a totally different mood. A spineless beta guy whose family basically walks all over him gets involved with a serial killer running a tropical fish store and things go downhill from there. I thought the movie felt pretty damn realistic in the gore department. To be honest, it's been a while since I saw a movie where the gore actually felt somewhat gross, not just entertaining. I mean, I just can't really take excessive gore like in Braindead/Dead Alive or Tokyo Gore Police seriously because at some point it just becomes too cartoonish to really count as nasty in any way, shape or form, but the way in which the violence was presented in this one actually felt somewhat more ''real''.

My biggest gripe with this one is that it goes on just a bit too long for its own good. Definitely some parts here and there that could've been cut out or shortened without any problems.

Anyway, if you like tropical fish, serial killers or spineless japanese dads you should give this one a spin

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I watched Dust Devil on netflix and it was great! I wish Richard Stanley made more stuff after he got fucked over w/ The Island of Dr. Moreau

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Hausu is a fucking wild ride from start to finish. Love that film.


It is. Crazy film. Great, surrealistic tale, high on the bisarre-factor and with some of the coolest and most original special effects shown on screen even to this day. Genius film!


I mean, I just can't really take excessive gore like in Braindead/Dead Alive or Tokyo Gore Police seriously because at some point it just becomes too cartoonish to really count as nasty in any way, shape or form, but the way in which the violence was presented in this one actually felt somewhat more ''real''.


But the violence in films such as Braindead, Tokyo Gore Police, and the slapstick splatter genre in general isn't supossed to be realistic. It's just supossed to be very fun and over the top. It's been very over the top ever since Herschell Gordon Lewis set up and defined the genre in the 60's and early 70's with films such as Blood Feast, Two Thousand Maniacs!, Color Me Blood Red, The Wizard of Gore and so on. There's a high cheese factor in these films, with over the top, unrealistic gore and lots of blood (for its time), something that've been present ever since. And I think the blood and gore in Cold FIsh is very cartoonish too, just so it's said. But the overall tone in the film is different from, say, Blood Feast and Braindead. It's a dark, bleak and macabre film. Black humour is present, but it's still something completely different. Good film!


ANd let me just add that Herschell Gordon Lewis was a genius! Not a great filmmaker by any means, but a genius nonetheless.

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I watched Dust Devil on netflix and it was great! I wish Richard Stanley made more stuff after he got fucked over w/ The Island of Dr. Moreau


Indeed! I can easily recommend Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau, which is currently streaming on Netflix. Great documentary.

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So, a new question for y'all -


What's the most bizarre horror movie you've actually WATCHED? I mean, we all know retarded shit like Terror Toons, Evil Bong, Monsturd and such exist, but has anyone ever actually watched any of those Z-grade flicks?

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the last movie that actually scared me was Martyrs.

just because a good horror is not about monsters but people.

people are the most horrible monsters.


speaking of Tokage's suggestions, I'd name The Human Centipede trilogy and Cabin Fever.

that's some horrible, horrible shit.

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With z-grade I assume you're talking about stuff like Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Astro-Zombies, Troll 2 and stuff, or something else?

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Yeah, like that, or even worse.


Stuff like Godmonster of Indian Flats, Death Bed: The Bed That Eats, The Killer Shrews etc., or the ones i listed in my previous post as more modern examples

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Oh yeah! I love me a good z-grade film along with some beers and something good to eat. Heaven! Will make a list when I get home from work.

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Some of my best z-grade movies:


Plan 9 from Outer Space

Manos: the Hands of Fate

Monster a Go-Go

Troll II

The Astro-Zombies

Invasion from a Planet / Invasion of the Neptune Men

Prince of Space

The Wild World of Batwoman

The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?

Robot Monster

Night of the Ghouls

The Horror of Party Beach



Most of these films are from the 50's and 60's as those two decades were just incredible for these kind of films. Especially within the realm of horror and sci-fi. Magnificent stuff!

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