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Not very surprising, but still. Low.

Obvious PR stunt is obvious (then again, another throwback to their Trendkill days)


Makes me wonder why people are still taking this seriously? It's not like he's totes dedicated to "muh white power"-philosophy, hm (his colleagues e.g. being mostly ethnically non-white AWS)?


I am not speaking on his defense but I thought people would know better without getting their brains washed with "Pantera ain't muh reel methvl" or "Gruuv methvl iznt metell"-bias and spewing out BS having no given relation to their art and practice or w/e - let us embrace the common logic/sense.

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Can't say I'm shocked by this either. I love Phil Anselmo, but every few years he does something stupid like this, and it's frustrating that he never seems to learn from his mistakes. He's been denying accusations of racism for 20+ years now, so at the very least, as a professional, he should know better than to yell white power anywhere near an audience.


I'm sure he was probably making some sort of drunken joke, but it was incredibly tasteless of him to do something like that at Dimebash of all places.


He recorded an apology.


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Anselmo being a goof or a "jackass" should not be anything new when we discuss his enthusiasm regarding "white pride" - he has done this since like 1995 but guess what:


1) He never addressed "(immediate) extermination of blacks" unlike how backwater types of his hometown would stereotypically state. Nazi salutes? I don't think we, Japanese music - especially vk - enthusiasts, should consider this as totes insulting. Why? We endorse a huge number of Japanese acts who are genuinely fine with this back-to-Japanese-nationalist antic avec a series of gestures and Yasukuni Shrine tributes. 2010s are not exactly the decade where we should consider goofy gesturing to be serious/politically incorrect and alerting.


2) "White pride/white power"-ethos he usually spews when getting a chance to do so is NOTHING  DIFFERENT from the target group he usually addresses in a bit questionable manner: take say, NWA-worshiping rappers of Pantera's heydays. They have addressed tremendous support for BPP, not to mention casual fanfares for "black pride/power". By the same logic, would we be calling these same groups "racially inappropriate i.e. racist"? I still fail at seeing how one could get pissed off about the representative of a race X genuinely praising the pro-race X ethos, so color me intrigued about current double standards we are leading here.


3) What does this have to do with Pantera's music? It shouldn't be alien to any metal enthusiast that Pantera as a group has faced a series of outcries from media and dedicated metal "experts" due to Anselmo's rough, a bit direct nature, and use it as an excuse to downgrade Pantera's musical value.


C'mon, it's 2016 (memes!) - aren't we already set with music and musician personalities being apples and oranges at this point? I also find it ironic that same people who run this obvious rally of anti-bias (in MH too) are actually endorsing other metal outfits with far more inappropriate histories and ideologies regarding values of nationalism, "race supremacy" etc.  Peste Noire and Burzum apologists, where art thou?


4) TL;DR let's just inspect these things as dedicated aficionados and curious listeners instead ("fuck races, race supremacies etc." - here, we cool? We done).


SJWist standards should not be welcomed here imho - it takes a lot away from our auditory enjoyment not to mention merely inducing the cesspool of double standards in our minds. This is my final statement regarding this subject, and I truly hope that someone could actually embrace the key point of my says. FIN.


ps. I don't endorse Anselmo particularly due to far more genuine reasons than "racism" - take say, Pantera's eventual demise back in early 00s but that too stems from his drug-affected ventures ever since '94.


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