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Les Discrets

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I can't believe I didn't find this sooner. Amazing French acoustic post-rock and their last album got me hooked. Does anyone else here listen to them?

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I love Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées and have done so since I heard it the first time a long time ago. Instant classic.

And this is not Post-Rock, BTW.

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Pretty good band, i love this new genre Les Discrets, Alcest etc. are creating although it's getting a lot of hype lately. Their full album is indeed one of the best releases this year, but i prefer the harsher attempt of Neige's bands and don't like the vocals of Les Discrets as much. The cover of the album is epic by the way, Fursy did it himself, didn't he?

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Yes he did. He does a lot of artwork, and he's extremely talented.

And you love the "new genre Les Discrets, Alcest etc. are creating"? I mean. Les Discrets and Alcest doesn't have much in common except for the melodies which they both have a good ear for. They don't even belong to the same genre, and none of them are really doing anything that haven't been done before. :spin:

Only reason people mention Alcest, Les Discrets and Amesoeurs together is because they share a lot of the members. Music-wise they're rather far from eachother.

Anyone seen his movies? I haven't seen them myself, but I know some people who have nothing buut goodly words to say about it. He's supossed to be better at making movies than music and paintings.

And about the vocals. I love them! Fursy is obviously not a very talented vocalist, but just as with Quorthon (of Bathory) and Alan Averill (of Primordial), it's all about the feeling, emotion and atmosphere it helps creating. I love it!

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Yeah, i think he also did the artwork for Écailles De Lune which is amazing too!

Haha, you got me there :D Genre is indeed the wrong term for it, i was being too enthusiastic ;) Just like you said, it's more the way they write songs and especially melodies what makes them seem similar - Herbst of Lantlôs even stated in an interview that he and Neige have a very similar style of writing songs. I think the way all those bands combine genres like Shoegaze, Post-Rock and Black Metal is kinda new though, there were Black Metal bands incorporating Post-Rock before, but i would definetely say Les Discrets, Alcest, Lantlôs and Amesoeurs are unique in the way they create their style so far. But yeah, Les Discrets really are quite different from Alcest, there's no doubt about that ;)

Haven't even heard that he creates movies, do you know what kind of he does?

Yeah, i agree with the thing about emotion in his vocals, for me it's more like... My English is lacking the right word for it, i only know it in my own language :D It's the way his voice sounds, his own identity if you know what i mean - i don't hate his voice, but it just doesn't really meets my taste.

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As far as I know he did the artwork for the following albums:

Drudkh - Hanful of Stars

Agalloch - Wooden Box

Lantlos - .neon

Alcest - Écailles De Lune

Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs

Les - Discrets - Septembre et ses dernières pensées

Heretoir - Heretoir (which will be released in 2011)

And they are all amazing! He's just talented!

Les Discrets got nothing to do with metal at all. There's just no metal in their music at all. Alcest does use a lot of Shoegaze together with the black metal, while Amesoeurs uses black metal and post-punk and Lantlos black metal and post-rock. BUt yes, they do have a lot of common when it comes to melodies and such. Especially Les Discrets and Alcest, and Amesoeurs and the second Lantlos album. Herbst must have been listening a lot to Amesoeurs after he finished his first album, because you can clearly hear the Amesoeurs-sound on ".neon". But Herbst said that Neige would probably be included in future Lantlos releases.

It's short animation movies. Here's a few:

Tir Nan Og:

(this one gave me a really amazing Studio Ghibli-feeling. Great atmosphere and beautiful animation. And the use of colors is just exceptional!)

Sophie Lancaster - Tribute film to a Dark Angel:


I like it a lot. I hope he can get around to make a full movie sometimes. He seems like an extremely talented and creative guy.

I love the way it sounds. But I am not about having "perfect" vocals. Such as LaBrie back in the days. He was extremely talented, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Aaron Stainthorpe of My Dying Bride is another guy that's not really amazing when it comes to technical skill, but his voice is so unique and there's so much feeling and emotion when he sings, especially on the three first albums. Amazing stuff!

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